LED drive current
I couldn't find a datasheet for the 74S138, but the 74LS138 has a maximum sink rating of 8mA per output. It would be an acceptable choice for high-efficiency, low-current displays, allowing you to multiplex up to eight 7-seg displays with three lines.
That's really the key question to answer first. What is the per-segment recommended current for the display you're using? You could drive a high-efficiency display directly, normal LED displays require drive transistors to handle the 6x current (or a driver chip like the ULN2003 - note, VCEsat is higher on these than using individual transistors because they're darlington arrays) on the multiplex lines.What current are you wanting to feed the LED's with?.
I couldn't find a datasheet for the 74S138, but the 74LS138 has a maximum sink rating of 8mA per output. It would be an acceptable choice for high-efficiency, low-current displays, allowing you to multiplex up to eight 7-seg displays with three lines.