Watch variables in Oshonsoft showing 0x000 not 0x00?

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Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that in watch variables, where it shows e,g, (0x000), this means 0x00, but can anyone clarify please?
I'm pretty sure that in watch variables, where it shows e,g, (0x000), this means 0x00, but can anyone clarify please?
They are exactly the same thing, as is 0x0 - the reason for allocating three nibbles is to allow 12 bit values (so presumably low-end PIC's? - mid-range are 14 bit, so would need four nibbles).
Another reason for the three nibbles ( or three characters ) is that when using hex notations "0x0" some compilers do not like the first char to be non numeric so "0xB8" is written "0x0B8" for clarity.
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