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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

What does db mean?

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8 years ago I moved to Phoenix AZ area for 3 years. I only needed a 4 bay bow tie antenna to pick up 88 channels crystal clear. I learned TV signals could be received very easy 90 miles away from the transmitters someone on the antenna forum said, no wonder look at AZ TVFool. I never understood what that ment? OK now I know radius of earth is the problem in TN past about 60 miles but not a problem in AZ with transmitters up on the mountain elevation 1759 ft. Looking at TVFool TN has better dB than AZ. Another thing AZ is big sky country & flat desert there are no trees line of sight really is line of sight. TN is lots of 60 ft tall trees plus lots of hills and valleys elevation can be 200 ft to 800 ft to 2000 ft depending where you are. My TN antenna is aimed at a forest of 55 to 60 ft tall trees. I could get my TN antenna up to 20 ft but no way to get 70 ft so it is above the trees. Even if I had my TN antenna at 70 ft there could be a 1500 or 2000 ft hill between my antenna and the transmitter. It is funny TN people call these hills mountains but there are real mountains out west. I guess we will never know what the guy on the Antenna forum saw on AZ TVFool that made him think TV signal is exceptionally good. Best dB 64.6 for TN and 56.9 for AZ. I learned something else about TVFool I can click a station it shows me line of sight from my house to transmitter channel 4 there are lots of TN mountains blocking line of sight. Maybe dB has nothing to do with this. I got excellent reception with my little 4 bay bow tie antenna in AZ ever at 40 miles but this antenna is not good in TN.




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