where should i start from

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New Member
im new to microprocessors and microcontrollers. i am going to have a course on microprocessors in my next semester and probably im going to study the 8051 (it depends on the instructor). but before that i want to start studying myself. where should i start from?

should i start from the 8051 or should it be a PIC

and i want an idea for a project involving the use of a microprocessor (it should be kool :lol: )
samcheetah said:
should i start from the 8051 or should it be a PIC

I think the best thing to do is do a lot of research on the net about both processers and pick the one you like most for yourself...

The one you begin with is likely the one you stick with so make the choise count.
If your class is going to be on 8051s you might as well learn them. The main advantage is that almost every company that makes microcontrollers makes an 8051 : Philips, maxim, Atmel, Intel, ST, Analog devices, Silicon Labs, Cypress etc. This gives you a huge number of choices from the standard 40 pin DIP 12 clock per instruction to the high tech 100MHz 1 clock per instruction type.

I'd recommend Silicon Labs development kits - super fast (up to 100MHz)relativly cheap and really easy to use with great AtoDs. The down side is that they only come in QFP which are hard to hand solder. ST has a neat new line they call the uPSD that has a huge amount of memory and a built in CPLD- their dev kit is also well priced. The ST part also comes in a PLCC which is easy to hand solder with a socket. Both of these have have a JTAG debug port which will make your life much easier.

When it comes down to it all uControllers are fairly simmilar and once you learn one its fairly easy to switch (especially if you use C).

Hope this helps
should i start from the 8051 or should it be a PIC

Once you use well a uC, you can use others with ease. I learnt 89C51 first, but now I only work with PIC. There are some advantages of using PIC, but now you do not need to care about that. You can learn 8051 for basic knowledge, and then try to use PIC as soon as you can, that is my recommend
thanx Exo, bmcculla and falleafd

i think ill start with the 8051 and then think about the others.

can u suggest books and online tutorials on this subject. i have been reading the tutorial on 8052.com and its nice.
Take a look at " C and the 8051, volume 1" by Schultz. I havent looked at volume one but volume 2 has a great strait forward explaination of real-time operating systems with tonnes of examples. Volume one covers basic operations of the 8051.

I'd recomend the Silicon labs development kit **broken link removed** its $129 but it includes good examples and everything you need including a C compiler and jtag debugger/programmer (this is the kit I learned the 8051 on). When I got mine i had downloaded my first program into flash in and had it running about 30 minutes after taking it out of the box. This is also a very full featured controller 5 capture compare/PWM channels two high speed AtoDs, comparators, external memory interface all paired with a 25 MHz one or two clock core (depends on the instruction).

thanx everyone for the replies

one last question

i download an e-book "The art of assembly language programming". the book mentions about HLA (High Level Assembly) and it is based around it. should i learn HLA or the low level assembly?
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