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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

where you go on first date?

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I really liked the idea of the boat thing, i guess i'll ask her if she's into it.
A chance to use these muscles for something worth doing.
I hope you're not thinking of renting or using a row boat!!!! :eek: If I was a girl on a first date with a guy, I'd be very wary of some clown wanting to take me on a date in a row boat!!! At least make it a nice power boat or like I mentioned, drive to a pier where you can pay for a sunset or dinner cruise. When finished with that you can visit a snack area for dessert while chatting and overlooking the shoreline. Hopefully dead fish stench won't be around!
Are there any caverns within reasonable driving distance? Those guided tours can be fun, when combined with other activities or a dinner. Better yet, just ask her what she'd like to do. Ask her what kind of activity would appeal to her for a date and that you are simply trying to make sure that she has a fun evening. Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll respond with, "To hell with dinner and a movie, let's just go get a motel room!" I hope you know what to do if that occurs!;)

BTW, where do you live? Country, state, town? I'll find something decent for you both to do once I know the location. You do at the very least have a town grocery store, post office and hardware store?
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Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll respond with, "To hell with dinner and a movie, let's just go get a motel room!" I hope you know what to do if that occurs!

**broken link removed**

I put what where now?
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I'm not taking this thread in THAT direction!
We have a regional radio station with one of the sports presenters being a 50 year old bacholour. The radio station held a competition to get him a wife.

Bwahahaha poor Joffee (his Nickname)! When they announced who the winner was she decided to give away the prize of time away, with this presenter, at some exotic island to somebody else.

... ok fine this person did deserve the prize, but anyway he is still a 50 year old bachelor now!

umm first about the ice-rink if she cannot skate? :D
umm first about the ice-rink if she cannot skate? :D
lol, she'll be hanging onto you the entire time.

That reminds me...I know of someone who doesn't know how to skate who ought to learn.
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I once took a girl up in a plane on a date - had a very nice cap le clasiqu and two purposely purchased crystal glasses hidden away on-board and everything.
Very nice - private luxury plane, private pilot - flattened bank balance.
As I said, all very nice.

One little problem, seeing that I did not know the girl too well, she turned out to suffer from motion sickness.
She was staring down a paper bag for more than 75% of the trip, and I was panicking. I would have had to clean the plane should any mishap occur, you see.

Start off simple and take things up as you get to know the girl.
Simple advice, simple success.
I like a simple visit to a local park with my dog. Chicks dig dogs, the dog likes the park, and it's nice to be out when it's nice and sunny. Also a zero-cost afternoon/early evening type date, so you can still go spend all your money on booze and get shitfaced with your friends later. You gotta remember what's important in life :)

ETA: You're seriously asking a question about girls on an electronics forum?
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I like a simple visit to a local park with my dog. Chicks dig dogs, the dog likes the park...... Also a zero-cost afternoon/early evening type date.... :)
ETA: You're seriously asking a question about girls on an electronics forum?
Yep, the good 'ol dog walking date! The dog constantly tugs at its leash. The dog needs to take a dump and you both get to witness that. You neglect to bring a small trash bag to clean up after the dog. Now that the dog is relieved and happy, it decides to jump on your date, scratching her legs, snagging her new stockings. Your date inadvertently steps in the dog's doo-doo trying to get the mangey mutt off her. Your date is cleaning her shoe in a tall patch of grass and the dog now gets the urge to hump her other leg. You yank the dog off her after reeling in 20 needless feet of leash. The dog yelps loudly from it and gasps for its breath. Your date is now upset at your animal cruelty, her ruined stockings, a smelly shoe, and you both haven't even made it to the hot dog stand yet! She fed up with any kind of dog at this point. She takes off to her house, you're in the dog house, the dog enjoys himself back in your house, and the next day you start all over again, working diligently on a circuit at your electronics bench. Yep, that was a cheap date.
HiTech are you actualy just DR. Phil in a disguise? :confused:

Your social and general analysis of people is almost too accurate to be made up some days! :D
AD, it seems you are over-analysing every eventuality that could possibly happen. You can't have a perfect plan for everything....some situations and their outcomes occur spontaneously.

If you are both seated for a first-date meal and she points out that you have something on your top lip, are you going to run away to the men's room and wash your face, wipe your face with a napkin, or just lick it away infront of her and ask if it's gone?

What if she has something on her top lip? OMG!.... how do I tell her..... do I let her walk around all night with a food/drink moustache?

Small moments like these add to getting to know someone, if handled correctly. Make light of the situation and then move on to something else...

What if you or she doesn't know which knife/fork to use next? .... Who cares, really? .... Even if either one of you know correctly, is it actually important enough to have a negative impact on the situation if either one of you use the wrong one? No!

See where this is going? There are many situations where things don't go exactly as ideally planned ....and the above are just one or two examples.

We have only one life on this earth and it is not a dress-rehearsal. Make a mistake and learn from it.

I had genuinely told women that they looked nice in the past and got a thank-you for it.

The first time that I told a woman she looked nice and she didn't answer, I told her again shortly after. She said that she had heard it the first time and to hear it again sounded false....

I could go on with this stuff all night, as could the other members trying to help out also, but at the end of the day you need to suck in some breath, contact her, arrange a meeting and see what transpires.

If if doesn't work out, move on and try to find someone more compatible with your own interests.

Take her to your place and show her your circuits, meters and scopes. OR take her out to eat. You can eat while she talks and you do not have to say anything.

My wife wanted to know what I was laughing about. Almost came over to see what I was doing. Very funny HiTech.
Hi-Tech, my dog is very well behaved thank you :) She chases tennis balls off-leash at the park as far as I can hit them (about 75 yards) for about half an hour every day, is great with kids and avoids other dogs. And she always poops on about the 3rd retreive, so I just get there early and hit a few balls before the date arrives so that is taken care of.
Hi-Tech, my dog is very well behaved thank you :) She chases tennis balls off-leash at the park as far as I can hit them (about 75 yards) for about half an hour every day, is great with kids and avoids other dogs. And she always poops on about the 3rd retreive, so I just get there early and hit a few balls before the date arrives so that is taken care of.

Be that as it may. Bringing pooch or the feline, better left to something like 3rd or 4th date.
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Alphadog should change name to Betapup...:)
Watch out for the dads though.... :p

If I am ever blessed to have a daughter one day, I want to try the scene from the movie Bad Boys 2. When the one cop's daughter (not Will Smith's) was going out on her first date :p
Scare the living daylights outta him...
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Hey guys,

I really thank you helping me out on this.
I though about it alot and you're right, you live only once and you must go through dissapointments and embarrassing moments on your way to happiness.

The ideal thing for me was to gain the courage to start talking with someone when waiting in the bus station or while sitting in the bus, but that would never happen.
It could really be great to get to know someone who you already met somewhere in your life, but i guess it wasnt ment to be for me, so i'll have to walk the hard way - meeting someone you got to know online.

That sucks and I dont like the idea of it but i guess there's no other choice.
In my eyes there is really not alot of differance between getting to know someone via the internet or in person. People chatting online are still real people.

I used to have pretty iffy social skills too. Then I got a job where I had to deal with people all day and really came out of my shell.

One thing i have learned is with the exception of insults and negitivity, its not a good idea to keep your mouth shut. Say hello to the guy you end up next to on the bus. Worst that can happen is he dosn't reply. Ask out the pretty girl. Worst that can happen is she'll turn you down. Tell the joke, might turn out that nobody really thinks its too funny, but it shows everyone your just a normal guy. :)
Watch out for the dads though.... :p

If I am ever blessed to have a daughter one day, I want to try the scene from the movie Bad Boys 2. When the one cop's daughter (not Will Smith's) was going out on her first date :p
Scare the living daylights outta him...

Yeah, me and my friends were talking about some of the other things that the guys we know pull on girls. We agreed that if we were their dads, we would SHOOT HIM.

Keep your girls mom friendly.It's easy to chat with moms than girls.
There are some crazy moms out there. THat goes for sisters gotta be careful that the girl or sister doesn't draw you into one of the "traps" or "tests" that girls like to do.
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Watch out for the dads though.... :p

If I am ever blessed to have a daughter one day, I want to try the scene from the movie Bad Boys 2. When the one cop's daughter (not Will Smith's) was going out on her first date :p
Scare the living daylights outta him...
Hee, hee.... I told a young lad who was taking out my then, 16yr. old daughter, that whatever he did to her, I would do back to him! You make her cry, you're gonna cry. You f@#* her and I'm gonna f@#* you! :eek:
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