Well-Known Member
I hope you're not thinking of renting or using a row boat!!!! If I was a girl on a first date with a guy, I'd be very wary of some clown wanting to take me on a date in a row boat!!! At least make it a nice power boat or like I mentioned, drive to a pier where you can pay for a sunset or dinner cruise. When finished with that you can visit a snack area for dessert while chatting and overlooking the shoreline. Hopefully dead fish stench won't be around!I really liked the idea of the boat thing, i guess i'll ask her if she's into it.
A chance to use these muscles for something worth doing.
Are there any caverns within reasonable driving distance? Those guided tours can be fun, when combined with other activities or a dinner. Better yet, just ask her what she'd like to do. Ask her what kind of activity would appeal to her for a date and that you are simply trying to make sure that she has a fun evening. Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll respond with, "To hell with dinner and a movie, let's just go get a motel room!" I hope you know what to do if that occurs!
BTW, where do you live? Country, state, town? I'll find something decent for you both to do once I know the location. You do at the very least have a town grocery store, post office and hardware store?
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