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which browser are you using?

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my issue with Chrome is not the speed but the fact that it does not work on several sites i use frequently. =)
some of them i can coax into still letting me through but you know what? i don't want to...
i take browser that is 1% slower but does everything correctly, problem solved.
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What sites are you referring to panic mode? I have never once run across anything that Chrome did not support.
Never use Chrome much, but I do have it installed.

Feel more comfortable with FF, Noscipt and Ad block plus.
Rich, for what logical reason? All but the oldest of browser/OS hacks requires user interaction to infect the machine.

This 'comfort' thing that people talk about... There is nothing to it, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the advantages of disadvantages of a given browser, your additional comfort will not change anything yet it will affect what you use...

Upon what grounds should this make sense?

Even if you don't use Chrome if it wasn't for it's inception Firefox would haev been the same crappy old browser, and IE wouldn't be close to being snuffed out as a valid browse platform in the next few years, at least not if MS doesn't ditch it's proprietary stuff and embrace HTML5 and it's essence.

They're realizing something far more fundamental... You don't earn money based on browser, you do earn money based on who's content is consumed.
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By default all website junk (flash, anything scripted etc) is turned off with NoScript and I make the choice what gets run and rendered. Ad-block plus culls pretty much the rest of website nonsense.

It's a God send not to have to put up with junk on websites, and just read the content I wish to.
I'm sorry Rich, I don't see how those addons really help... I've never used them, I've never had any issues with the content on the sites I visit. If you're more comfortable with them, that is your preference, it still has no bearing on which browser is better though.

No browser can protect you. Perception of this 'protection' is however a big decider in choice which is sad.

If you haven't read the news lately. Twitter, and a few other sites such as e-harmony had their unsalted password hashes transfered...

This does no reflect anything whatsoever to do with the security of the sources, because the types of passwords that were used were weak to beging with from simple dictionary hacks...

What I find scarey is that something close to 1/10th of all the passwords were able to be reverse engineered from the hashses. This isn't a security weakness in the site, it's stupid users using stupid passwords. With the unsalted hashes they could unlock 100/1000 extra accounts! Per dictionary retrieval.

If you do not as a user take it upon yourself to understand what security truly means, you will forever be at risk, your comfort is irrelevant and will not protect you, even if you can sleep at night.
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My field is cryptography ;). I hate any form of advertisements and intrusions on my web experience, which is the main point I mentioned. I did not mention safety or protection once ;) .

My set up allows me to browse the web without being bombarded with advertisements and distractions I have no wish in seeing, is that not a good thing?

My point was that the plug-ins available for Firefox sell FireFox (NoScript is FF only) to me.
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as a student, i am using several sites of my university, chrome is not happy with few of them.
it could be little annoying thing like clicking on login that does not work (but if you click few times eventually it get's true),
to rendering issues with assignment. it is specially pain when they are timed, and even though entry field of the pull down list
is right in the middle of the scree, rest of it (the fanned out list) is out of screen, only bottom line of 5 line list is partially visible
on top of the screen, rest is out. then there are others similar to it like flashcardDB etc. couple of work sites (restricted...) etc.
ive run into couple others that were simple page, no frames, no bells and whistles, looking like something one would do with a notepad.
the problem was that part of the page would show with extremely large font and the rest was 2-3 points high.
reinstalling chrome fixed it once but that was it.
also has problem with security on some sites. I am sure that many of those things could be resolved by those that
created those pages but the bottom line is i don't give a rats.... if chrome cannot get it's recognition by web developers,
perhaps there should be mode to fool websites into thinking that it is not chrome but IE or FF.
personally i don't like that websites can tell what browser i'm using, i don't like that someone is collecting
any kind of info on me and google must have tons by now. maybe it is not so bad idea to use something else after all.
there was a time when other browsers were left in dust by chrome. i have couple of them installed and this does not feel like that any more.

i also use host file to block bunch of add sites etc (from and don't like how chrome is handling it.
it is showing large ugly place holders and nagging all the time or even substituting own adds etc.
neither IE and FF have no problem with any of that.

aside from issues with rendering, or inability to load some page, i find it annoying that is crushes - too often for my taste.
even my AV is warning me that "Chrome is taking to much memory and does not seem to do much, should it be closed?"
again, none of other have that issue.

sometimes it will work three days with no issue, sometimes it would crash few times a day. yes, it recovers and reloads all pages
and tends to blame plugg-ins like shockwave (it came with chrome, i don't install or use any others although there is ton of interesting ones).
but i don't care, whatever the problem is, i am annoyed by "it's dead Jim" and other "x-eyes" smilies telling me that what i was working on had to be interrupted.
it fas cute and maybe funny first time but not any more.
In the end I think having multiple browsers is the best thing, it's the only way innovation can occur.

I agree 100% :)

my issue with Chrome is not the speed but the fact that it does not work on several sites i use frequently. =)

I never once have had that problem. Like Scead asked, what sites?

I'm sorry Rich, I don't see how those addons really help... I've never used them, I've never had any issues with the content on the sites I visit. If you're more comfortable with them, that is your preference, it still has no bearing on which browser is better though.

You would be surprised, Scead. AdBlock knocks out ever single ad I've had on sites in the past. I used to feel the same way you do, but once I tried it, I was completely amazed at what it could do. I HIGHLY recommend installing Adblock!

Never use Chrome much, but I do have it installed.

Feel more comfortable with FF, Noscipt and Ad block plus.

Rich, Chrome has the adblock and adblock plus addon option. I installed the extension and it's working like a charm! :D

P.S. Here's my PeaceKeeper score for Chrome:
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I never once have had that problem. Like Scead asked, what sites?[/url]

i already commented on that.
one is

i'll try to use chrome again and take screenshots of artefacts. It is not just one computer, I've seen issues using others too.

i could post links to few others but without passwords you will not be able to get in.
you don't expect me to share my passwords do you? :)
i already commented on that.
one is

i'll try to use chrome again and take screenshots of artefacts. It is not just one computer, I've seen issues using others too.

i could post links to few others but without passwords you will not be able to get in.
you don't expect me to share my passwords do you? :)

Oops, somehow I missed that. Sorry.... :rolleyes:

No need for passwords :p Just screenshots will be sufficient ;)
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DerStrom, there is no port of NoScript though :(
DerStrom, there is no port of NoScript though :(

If NoScript is the same thing as "NoScripts", Chrome's got that too. Just go to the webstore and search for it.
panic mode. I am shocked at the number of complaints you have with Chrome. I have never ever seen any user that had so many and so varied issues, so much so that it statistically doesn't make sense, there are not a large number of users that have the same problems as you or Chrome wouldn't exist people would use other browsers.

I cruise through hundreds if not thousands of sites some days and I NEVER have rendering issues, I've never once had Chrome crash. Even without plugins I have no issues with the ads that I run into either, I very seldom get popups, and the invasive embeded popups that are more common are a click away from being destroyed, takes no time away from my browsing and I always do a cursory glance to see what's being pitched because you never know wen you'll run into something you actually want!

Based on you saying that you occasionally have problems and sometimes are problem free for a few days and then crashes STRONGLY suggests that it's something else going on in your system that has nothing whatsoever to do with Chrome.

All I can say is that I'm glad Chrome came along to challenge FireFox, and I hope IE either goes down in a ball of fire or gets it's game together and solidly challenges both of them which would be really what's best in the long term, three competing browsers all making users lives easier because they want their product used.

This becoming the world of HTML5 which has standards that must be adhered to verbatim the browser you use itself will over time become totally irrelevant! Some might be faster at this or have a subset of functions that do other things you want but the main goal right now is to get a consistent result to as many targets as possible, and you do that through standards, not proprietary HTML implementations.

IE was the worst perpetrator of proprietary crap that only it's browser supported, that's going away and web admins won't pander to specific web browser vendors that much anymore, HTML5 is even giving a good go at trying to reduce the need for flash, as browsers develop their support for it and rendering the flash plugin won't be needed for the window dressing on any sites, and given enough time it may even supplant the preferred format of games.
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My point was there has to be an explanation outside of it being Chrome's fault, sounds to me like your OS or system is flakey not Chrome, the number of issues you've had are seriously unheard of.
i am not saying that may not be the case. just wondering why do you put so much faith into one application?

i am using tons of programs and they all work without hitch, Chrome can work but it has a limp, others don't:
Office, AutoCad, SolidWorks, KiCad, at least 20 programming packages from Visual studio to big pile of automation software

i wouldn't mind to have that fixed but i have no time or will because i do have working browser. who says it has to be chrome?
i am not saying that may not be the case. just wondering why do you put so much faith into one application?

i am using tons of programs and they all work without hitch, Chrome can work but it has a limp, others don't:
Office, AutoCad, SolidWorks, KiCad, at least 20 programming packages from Visual studio to big pile of automation software

i wouldn't mind to have that fixed but i have no time or will because i do have working browser. who says it has to be chrome?

I'm not trying to push Chrome, I have just found it to be the best for me.

I am curious though--could you try the "peacekeeper" test on your browser to see what rating you get? That offer goes to anyone else who reads this, as well. I'd like to get a rough idea of the scores for different browsers :D
It's not faith panic mode. I test constantly. I used everything from Netscape Navigator, to IE (all versions) Firefox, Chrome, Saffari, Opera.
As far as I can see right now, Chrome does it right. I have no faith in it as a thing which is why I think the competition is so fantastic, because it benefits everyone.

I'll still stand by my statement that the bulk majority of your problems are actually system issues not Chrome issues.
ok just did and everything run, what does this tell you?
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