will this tranformer configuration work?

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Inside this black plastic enclosure, i have a 5mΩ shunt which senses the current through the load (up to 16Arms loads).
In 16Arms, the shunt dissipates 1.28W and it gets hot.
I want to check if the enclosure melts when the shunt carries 16Arms for 12 hours, but I dont want to do it by
connecting a 16A load for 12 hours (which is a 4kW load since the mains voltage here is 220V).

So i though of the next configuration and wanted to have your opnion please.

To make it clear, the transformer receives 12Vac and outputs 80mVac, and its designed to stand 16Arms at its output.
Moreover, I do need to have the enclosure connected to the mains during these 12 hours, since the mains drive
some other circuits that are inside the enclosure.
Thank you very much.


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Should work as long as the transformer is isolated input to output.
I was also concerned about possible current from the transformer primary side to the power line common (e.g. you don't want to use a Variac).
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