Would this class2 transformer work in place of this

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New Member
would a 3.0VDC 1.0A work in place of a 3.0VDC 1.6A as a charger, it is being used for a hair cliper.

Thanks, Doug

Assuming you'll be using the rest of the original charging circuit, all should be fine.
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would a 3.0VDC 1.0A work in place of a 3.0VDC 1.6A as a charger, it is being used for a hair cliper.

Thanks, Doug

Your old supply is rated at 1.6 A, and your new transformer is rated at 1.0 A.

It may work if your hair cliper uses 1.0 A or less, but if you can you should get another one with a rating of 1.6 A or more
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