Cool - thanks for the pictures and code.
if I don't have the calibration value does it mean my PIC is useless.
I'm going to build another programmer tonight and just double check everything - from Nigels post above on the Vdd it sounds like I need to use another programmer. I'm going to try the P16PRO. Im also going to buy another 12f675 incase my current ones are toast.
The only thing is I'm scared if I program it and then try and reflash it, it will end up like the current ones I have.
BTW I've been using micochips IDE to compile the code and the wisp628 and BumbleBee to write the code to the PIC.
if I don't have the calibration value does it mean my PIC is useless.
I'm going to build another programmer tonight and just double check everything - from Nigels post above on the Vdd it sounds like I need to use another programmer. I'm going to try the P16PRO. Im also going to buy another 12f675 incase my current ones are toast.
The only thing is I'm scared if I program it and then try and reflash it, it will end up like the current ones I have.
BTW I've been using micochips IDE to compile the code and the wisp628 and BumbleBee to write the code to the PIC.