12DC Sockets

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**broken link removed** so your saying that I should be able to understand that one day instead of thinking it wasn't working **broken link removed** I'll have a nose through that over the weekend
Look at the frequency of the signal on the collector of T3 and ground? The waveform would also be nice.

see, now we're cooking, how do I do that **broken link removed**

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ok, freq = 1kHz
I haven't got a clue how you measure waveform, but while someone figures a way to tell me how to, lets carry on with T1, I have
6.94V at the base, understandable as it has a resistor
13.7V at the emittor, again, understandable, it comes direct from source
5.84V at the collector, this is more than just a switch isn't it

The caps I can't measure in volts, they have 0V one side, how can power be stored if theres nothing there?

& the choke, has 5.84V either side, what did that do again, something with wire wrapped around with ferrite rod in middle

These are the three things I'd like to understand, oh & using ocilliscope to get waveform, had a play but just get nothing, too many buttons **broken link removed** I might have to admit defeat & look at help page **broken link removed**
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I'm not getting oscillations off the circuit anywhere. There is an initial pulse, i.e., the trace spikes at outset and rapidly degrades to a level state (like the trace you'd see with a RC network charging), but nothing more.

Just to be sure, I tried it with a circuit with no more than an Sine Wave source (1VAC P-P, 50Hz) across a resistor and got a very nice waveform, correct on all points.

So, not sure what this circuit IS doing, only what it's not.
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I got something, don't ask me what it is or what it means but I followed instructions & put voltmeter on collector of T1, then run & recorded single, how chuffed am I, like I say, I don't what I've done, but at least I had a go **broken link removed**

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OK, the vertical vol/divisions is way to high. How about 5 V /div.

What units is the horizontal time axis 50 bedbugs/div? Oh it' time, so is it the hours of daylight in the UK today?

You do want the scope to be in Y/t mode, not X/Y mode. BTW, obtaining a stable trace on a scope can be really frustrating for the beginner.
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This warrants a new post.

There IS a 1Khz signal on the collector of T3, according to the "Freq" function of the Multimeter . It is exactly 1Khz, but I'll say I don't know the accuracy of the frequency function of the multimeter.

Which I just checked. I changed the frequency of the sine wave source to 53.3Hz and that's what the multimeter read, 53.3 Hz.

So I guess it's correct. Remarkably rock solid.

Gotta figure out what's with the oscilloscope...
KISS said:
Graham seems to one step ahead of you this time. Surprising, isn't it? He found 1 kHz.

And yeah, He's shootin' ahead alright.

Good for you, Graham. I'm proud of ya.

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Oh, so those volt divisions lowered will show more of a wave, caught.....I only read how to get it to work.lol
Off computer now as about to walk bobby, it is 22.30 in uk & pitch black, nearly bedtime

Loving learning something new

Is this incredible or what?!?

All of a sudden, it clicks. Very cool.

Now just need to stay out of the way...
Semper ubi sub ubi

It's Latin and, at that, very bad Latin, grammatically, for all my having had almost 5 years of it. This a sentence I made up at the very beginning of my instruction in 1961:

Semper (ALWAYS) ubi (where. That's right, like where it is?) sub (under) ubi (where again).

A take off on my Mom always telling me to wear clean underwear before I went off to school.

Pretty sad, huh...

You asked.

Is this incredible or what?!?

All of a sudden, it clicks. Very cool.

Now just need to stay out of the way...

Great fun ain't it, no need to stay out of the way, you could answer my q's on post 382 *grin* then whisper the time div I need.....quietly like, so he don't hear you.lol

I won't get to get back on computer until tomorrow evening now which is more frustrating than having fun playing with this
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A 1Khz signal is 1000 cycles per second, or 1 cycle every 1,000th of a sec (0.001 sec), or a 1mS wave (cycle) length (or duration). So 1m that's the "sweep speed" or the "Time/Div" selection on the scope you need to start at, and then adjust up or down to suit yourself.

Notice the the scope face is divided into dotted lines (called graticules), where horizontal lines are the the time divisions and vertical lines are the voltage divisions. Each line represents one "div" in either Time (across the scope face) or Volts (up or down the scope face).
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Make sure your in x/t mode.
Make sure your reading the correct channel.
V/div should be about 2
The period of 1 kHz is 1 ms, so look for say 500 us/div
Auto trigger
In addition to a multiplicity of failings, I have yet to be able to mASTER, the stupid caps key...

or my fngers, for the most part.

This time I didn't spend 20 mins editing .

But thansks fot the catch.
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