The code in the while 1 loop is just to move the servos back and forth to test the servo ISR code.
Once finished the servo exercising code won't be there and instead will be the parse code and the result of that parsing will set the servo positions.
In the 'deal with the received sentence here
will go the code to parse the sentence as we now have a full sentence.
In #59 you asked,
I don't know what "the rest of the code" is but it goes where the comment 'other code here. is.
The idea is that it'll wizz around in the while, wend loop doing nothing until something needs to happen, if isDone gets set then a complete sentence has been received and can be parsed and used to set the servo positions (and isDone set back to zero so the ISR will fetch the next sentence). If something else needs to happen then it needs a way to know it needs to happen - i'm guessing this is the "rest of the CODE" mentioned above.
Note, the while, wend loop is the same as your main: goto main loop just more accepted as good coding practice.