Browser Hijacking

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Hello there,

I was wondering if anyone here knows of some decent software that will get rid of a browser hijacking, or at least some sort of adware.
What happens is every now and then the browser will jump to some strange web site that has nothing to do with what i am doing at the time. It's a big pain because it is interrupting everything i am doing at the time and it occurs quite often.
It happens with any browser though, not just the one i usually use.

Free would be nice

Any ideas?
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I would scan it with malwarebytes first. Sometimes one tool can't catch everything and generally when I'm working on someone's machine, i'll scan it with several different tools.

1) malwarebytes
2) spyware blaster
3) hijack this
4) combofix

and although not really a malware tool, run Ccleaner when you are done. This will fix some registry issues and clean up cache.

good luck.
I like Avast Antivirus, its a free download and has a boot-time scanner, that seems to find everything.

Although a boot-time scan takes a long time to preform, its well worth it i think.
I set it and go to bed, done by the time i get up.

If it happens on all browsers then I would check your DNS settings. Sometimes they just point you at there DNS which randomly returns the wrong domain information.

Free GREAT softs: Ccleaner + FireFox

Use Ccleaner. Just install it and run it once. It makes wonders: CCleaner - Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download

And one of the best browsers:

You might also want to check out Chromium, which is an open-source version of Google Chrome. (Google Ghrome is based off it).

Chromium - The Chromium Projects

Edit: I really don't trust anti-malwares and anti-spy free and paying softwares. You could install linux and install Windows within linux using a virtualbox. It is VERY easy to do, and then you may just start forgetting about getting viruses. If you get one, you can go back to a previous state within seconds.

But you don't need linux. Here's someone installing Windows 7 in a virtualbox under... Windows 7 !
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Be very careful with Ccleaner, it deletes all history, usernames and passwords.

Pommie is absolutely correct, Ccleaner can and will delete passwords within firefox.

Yes you are right, I've put an exception in mine. My bad.

That said, one needs to know his passwords. And Ccleaner doesn't need to run everyday. I run it once every 2-3 months.
Hello again, Thanks much to all who suggested fixes. I've tried a number of these now but am still having quite a bit of a problem with the navigation. What happens with the programs above is they find the files and delete them but it's too late because whatever they did is still in effect even without the .exe file they find. One of the programs found three problem files, deleted them, but the browser still jumps to other random sites without warning. I've also used my own software that i wrote myself and found things and fixed them but whatever that one bad file installed will not seem to go away. I've also checked many files by hand and still cant find anything. Any other ideas?
Check your DNS settings. Go to start->connect to->show all connections then right click the connection that's active and select properties. Highlight the internet protocol (tcp/ip) line and click properties. The DNS settings should be automatic.

Hello again, Thanks again for the suggestions. It turns out that RKill did not find anything and the DNS setting is 'automatic'. More ideas?
check /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file.

Write a post on the forum at, they've got people who can read the hijackthis logs.
Hello Eric,

What do you mean by disable it's auto run?

Hello Eric,

What do you mean by disable it's auto run?


hi Al,
The Spyware Doctor can be enabled or disabled.
What I do is run it from time to time, then to 'speed' up web access I disable it. Its starts up at power on if set to auto run in the options.

Have you tried it. its the STARTER EDITION , free
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