Browser Hijacking

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Hi Eric,

Oh i see, and no i havent tried it yet but i guess i should look into it.

I think i have everything fixed now but wow, what a mess it was. I searched the web for more free virus software and came across something called Prevx. What a mistake that was. It installed just fine, but when i went to turn it off it would not allow me to do that so i had to reboot. Then after that it would not go away even when i tried to 'exit' it. Couldnt even kill process as it would not allow that either. Had to reboot in safe mode to get rid of it, what a pain.
Later, i found several files that were bad and some that were renamed with a name that was very close to the original, with the only difference was a space in the name, which is hard to notice unless you look very close.
Malwarebytes detected three files and that was nice, so i got rid of them, but this was a trojan that kept installing the same file over and over again too, and that was a pain.
I think the system is back to normal now, at least for the time being
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