Can a Factory built microwave oven have microwave leakage?

As I've mentioned previously, an old friend (now sadly long since deceased) worked on radar during WW2, and he had two RF burns on one of his arms (I can't remember which one) from adjusting them. Apparently who had to reach deep inside the transmitter to adjust something, and every time you did you suffered two RF burns, about an inch or so across, separated by another inch. He told me that everyone who did that job had the burns.

And of course Microwave Ovens were developed (and the idea came from) that work during WW2.
Oh that's very sad to hear. Some strange stuff I wonder why they didn't do something about that.

Yes, I've read that is where the first idea for a microwave oven came from. Someone who was in the military also told me one time that they could fry a duck in mid-air with the radar, but don't know how true that is. They must have been high power though.

I am very thankful for microwave ovens they make it so much easier and cleaner to cook. I use one myself almost every day for almost everything I cook. For me it is one of the best inventions of all time.
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