Capacitor leakage tester beneficial for working on CRTs?

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New Member
Any benefit to using a capacitor leakage tester (like the build from Mr. Carlson) to test caps on 80’s and newer CRT TVs and monitors?

I know ESR is a good test but am not sure about leakage for these types of CRTs. Any input is appreciated, thanks!
None at all - never used one, never seen one, never seen a use for one - other than perhaps on antique valve equipment.

ESR meters though are absolutely essential, on anything with a switch-mode PSU - that's basically where electrolytic capacitors fail - a scope is useful as well. Assuming the PSU is running enough for it to be tested, you can run the scope down the outputs of the secondary rectifiers - and spot high ESR capacitors by the high ripple on their rails - this is particularly useful for things like satellite receivers, where you would need to remove the PCB to test with an ESR meter, with a scope you can test with the board in place.
the only place i've ever seen a leaky cap in solid state equipment is in audio amplifiers, primarily the DC correction cap in the feedback loop. and even that is extremely rare.
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