circuit review

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what im trying to do is make a wall of rgb leds and have them change colour and pulse from side to side (top to bottom in the picture above)

so i made this circuit.

the plan is to have 3 decade counters each having a clock at different frequencies this would give the effect of changing colour
each output of the decade counter is connected to the two transistor with a capacitor and resistor this adds a fade to the led as it turns off
this is then connected to one segment of 7 rgb leds

the circuit only shows 2 rows of leds but the real one will have 7 leds by 7 leds

what i want to know is

---what decade counter to use the one i have used on this site Circuit Simulator Applet uses a decade counter with 10 outputs and the one in the diagram above has 7 but i think it converts it into 7 segment type display
the circuit import code is :
-- i also want to know the effeciency of the circuit especially the transistor bit of it
can you reduce the transistor section but still have 7 leds powered off it and have it still fade?

-- in the circuit simulation app it says as the leds turn on the current drawn is 14A but this is a spike would this work fine with a ac adapter whos output is 12V at 1.5A max

any other constructive advice is welcome
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second try to add picture

its not working just use the link above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Why don't you attach your schematics here instead of at those other weird websites that don't work half the time?
It looks like you tried to attach the last picture here but something is wrong, maybe it is too small.

Your circuit will not fade because the output transistors are switches. They must be emitter-followers to make the LEDs fade slowly.
I tried the aplet.

Here's a picture of the schematic.

The simulator says it work and the circuit makes sense to me.


  • LED Fader j aplet sim1.PNG
    9.8 KB · Views: 166
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