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Consulting on my next project

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Thank you NorthGuy :)

Are you sure about having Head always larger than Tail?

At some point, Head will "overflow" and will start counting from 0 again, while Tail is yet to overflow and therefore be larger than Head, right?
Thank you NorthGuy :)

Are you sure about having Head always larger than Tail?

At some point, Head will "overflow" and will start counting from 0 again, while Tail is yet to overflow and therefore be larger than Head, right?

If they're 32-bit numbers, they only overflow at 4294967296, but if they do overflow, it doesn't really matter. You simply define Size as unsigned int.

unsigned int Size;
Size = Head - Tail;

If Tail is 0xffffff80 and Head overflowed to 0x10, the difference will be calculated correctly as 0x90.
Hi again NorthGuy.

Thank you friend :)

If Size is unsigned int.
Lets take the case where there were (2^32 + 100) bytes written, so
Head = 100
And say that
Tail = 4294967196 (which is 2^32 - 100)

e.g. Size should be 200.

Size = Head - Tail = 100 - 4294967196 = -4294967096

Does it really turn out to be 200?
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