Converting asm to hex

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Ian.....i am trying to build circuit 1...the first one. already i build the PCB and the components are on place,But as i mentioned above i got stuck....
Original PIC Virus Zapper article: Pic Virus Zapper.pdf


PIC Virus Zapper Mk2 article:
**broken link removed**


Royal Raymond Rife:

This is an example of pseudo-medicine and widely viewed as a scam device as the results that Mr. Rife observed have not been replicated in clinical trials by independent observers.

Expect to be met with a lot of skepticism so be prepared to backup your results with unassailable proofs from independent testers.
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Okay! You need the hex file that is small Just under 1k.. You attached in post#45
the HEX file are not working good. can you chek them and send me? please.
I built the EpE Zapper and 'treated' myself several times. Have to report no ill effects yet age 75...
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Which hex file -- show me!

I will simulate it... Two things... The hex file has to be for the chip you are using Andy used a pic16f84.. You can't use anything else unless you modify the code!!
Can you send me the hex file which you used
Well maybe , it was on a win 98 machine and a floppy ! not sure if I still have it ! still looking ... file was for a PIC16F84
( Pause while I add a 40g drive to a XP machine )
I can only find the zapper.asm file...


  • zapper.asm
    3.7 KB · Views: 292
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Which hex file -- show me!

I will simulate it... Two things... The hex file has to be for the chip you are using Andy used a pic16f84.. You can't use anything else unless you modify the code!!


  • zapper.hex
    926 bytes · Views: 279
File attached see post #71 ... have fun....

Edit... also found a zapper.hex.... ( no guarantees offered ! )


  • zapper.hex
    926 bytes · Views: 268
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Just did an MS Word compare of the code posted by Ergoye (Post #42) on Saturday that code posted by Granddad in #71. They appear to be identical using Word, but that doesn't rule out invisible differences.

At this point, I think the problem is more likely in the circuit as built. Ergoye should post the schematic and board design (if available) for what he thinks he has and an actual picture as assembled.
The hex I amended to post #75
This is the code which i tried and not success.
That hex file is corrupt..

Try this one


  • zapper.hex
    910 bytes · Views: 249
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