Hi i have been trying to do my homework i have described in title. I made some searches but i couldn't find a good solution. Can anyone help me for the project?
count 60.... count 60... count 24... The only thing you need to calculate is the timer..
If you use a crystal of 4Mhz, your timer0 will increment every 0.1us if you set the OPTION_REG to Watchdog timer (even if you don't use it ) and no prescaler, you can work out how many timer spills are needed to make 1 second..
Hi Ian,
I thought it was just a typo. I like the comments in posts #5 & #6 of this thread. The OP seems to think he does not need to know how to do the homework himself. He seems to think all he has to know it how to find the answer with Google or get one of us to provide the answer.