The ° symbol
In my keyboard I can type "º" by pressing the (lower case) leftmost key / uppermost row wich goes together with "ª" (upper case).
Contrary to many ASCII tables which list Alt176 for it I get "°" by typing Alt248.
In my case, born in a "metric" country, I have the feeling of inches, feet, yards, fathoms, long tons and pounds because as a seaman I was exposed to them forever.
The somewhat unusal short tons were of use only when loading bulk cargo in USA terminals.
Along the years, Farenheit, I used them only in tankers to calculate the weight of cargo.
New built vessels (say for the last 20 years) have their draft marks in meters. The same for depths in nautical charts albeit distances / speed still in nautical miles and knots.
But, as somebody said, it matters what are you used to.
If asked, I would say that I am 1,59 m tall, (yes, a short man, I know) and no idea of it in feet/inches. I should have to think and calculate it.
BTW, mili, micro, nano and pico, when I have to use them for calculations are good to say what power of ten I have to punch in my calculator. Not a problem at all, it never fails.
The only standard in the globe is that everyone feels that what he uses is THE standard.
Standards of steel rust anyone? That is fun.