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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Funny Images Thread!

His disinfectant & UV light comments were
not his first troubles understanding science...


Note, I have been working with a global team and Learned that the French, Germans, Japanese and
South Koreans are having a great time making fun of our science-challenged president with thousands of memes - and with great acceleration since Thursday. The one above was translated from French but is also floating around the web in German.
Last edited:
Is a screen-shot of text really a "funny image"?
Not funny at all...
... mainly because I did not know what a "peach cobbler" is.

Does this help?

Peach Cobbler (USA Version)


  • PeachCobbler.jpeg
    516.9 KB · Views: 258
Does this help?
Not really...
... I already googled "peach cobbler", and saw what looks like that very picture.

So, although I am now aware of peach cobblers, I do not have an overwhelming desire to eat one.

Now "snap" is a term which I understand.

In the good old days when there were coal mines in South Yorkshire, "snap" was the food that the miners took to work with them to eat during their mid-shift break whilst underground.

Is a screen-shot of text really a "funny image"? Just asking...
Depends upon the content as to whether one finds it "funny" or not.
As far as it being an "image", does it fit the definition in the link below?
Even though I now know what a "Peach Cobbler" is, I still don't get the joke.

Plus, I never knew snap had a second meaning! You learn something new everyday.


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