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Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Funny Images Thread!

wow ! I'm gonna make this my ringtone :woot:
Retire... :rolleyes:
What is the meaning of that word? I am on the work until I drop plan. Sunday morning and I am getting ready to go to work. Big tax bill at the end of the month.
ron, I apologize for being glib.

It is, at times, a tab too easy to make assumptions...
"The morning after"

morning after.jpg
You have to push START to turn off your computer.
What do you push to land that air plane.
I think that even Chesney Sullenberger would have a hard time landing that aircraft!

And Ron, your cyrillic is lost on me and maybe most others here on ETO.

TV Tech, about the tractor.
I know its 4:30 on Friday but I really need it back by Monday 8:00. And can you change the oil.
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TV Tech, about the tractor.
I know its 4:30 on Friday but I really need it back by Monday 8:00. And can you change the oil.

I can change the oil but there is a small problem because the tractor came apart......
TV Tech, about the tractor.
NO NO I need it running by Monday morning.....because I am going to do something stupid with it.

I have never pulled a tractor in half. I have pulled the load in half.
^^^Who told you the tractor was pulled in half??

I said quite clearly "the tractor came apart". And that is what happened.

I think that you purposefully loaned me this tractor of yours to me knowing that it will fall apart. And then I will be forced to fix it :mad:
You are sneaky.

This is the last time I borrow a tractor from a neighbor.

Next time I will hire one.

And that my friends is what happens here in SA. Accountability is an unknown word. Truthfulness too. Honesty...another unknown...
What happened...nobody saw or heard anything. Silence.

It's not their broken they laugh and walk away...

And Ron's tractor that he loaned to a neighbor out of the goodness of his heart will be returned broken. Such is the Mentality here :mad:

South Africa all the way.

Sad but true.

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