What is the meaning of that word? I am on the work until I drop plan. Sunday morning and I am getting ready to go to work. Big tax bill at the end of the month.
I said quite clearly "the tractor came apart". And that is what happened.
I think that you purposefully loaned me this tractor of yours to me knowing that it will fall apart. And then I will be forced to fix it
You are sneaky.
This is the last time I borrow a tractor from a neighbor.
Next time I will hire one.
And that my friends is what happens here in SA. Accountability is an unknown word. Truthfulness too. Honesty...another unknown...
What happened...nobody saw or heard anything. Silence.
It's not their broken tractor...so they laugh and walk away...
And Ron's tractor that he loaned to a neighbor out of the goodness of his heart will be returned broken. Such is the Mentality here