I am not very inclined to pranks but, this one in particular, I found it really funny. Maybe because I understand what the man says in his language. One of the best ever.
She cute. Actually the piglets are cute too. But I was sniggering at the reactions of the public!
(and I only had the subtitles go by - sound turned off as usual)
hey, seems my parkin' video leaked! oops, i mean who it can happen to anyone of us ;D (seriously, my only car crash is when i reversed to bus's side....it's true, but funny!)
That was more for the unfortunate people up north. We survived our 2 days of winter last week. 81 degrees today. I have had more than enough cold weather. I grew up in Michigan. My senior year in high school, I rode a motorcycle all winter.
Edited to say: 20 miles, barefoot, in the snow, up hill both ways.
The only snow and ice I ever want to see again is in my cocktails!
Normally I try not to rub it in but here are some more that I like.