Funny Images Thread!

i'll translate this to you people:

''think about it, these folks see snow each winter, and still they must announce about it in facebook.....every single year

(yeah, it snowed here in finland, about 20cm and it was first snow, many households were without electricity, still are)

**broken link removed**
Hi atferrari,
Your picture is no longer here!
It disappeared when the software was updated and I could not retrieve it from my files. Typical Chinese brooms made of tiny branches. I also saw them in China but more than 20 years ago.
How quiet this topic became...
One problem is that there are so many funnies that it will take an age to check thru to make sure that you are not repeating one, especially as I keep getting side-tracked laughing.
thing is, i find many funny pictures but they seem bit un-appropriate to be posted here ... of course, moderators will take care in case one of those pictures wander in here
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