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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Funny Images Thread!

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OVER COMPENSATION FOR something small.

Put this on FaceBook. "Look what we did for Christmas."
Then explain to Grandma why you "are too sick" to visit for Christmas.
ron, almost felled off the chair :D
"size does not matter" and other lies.
.....I noticed girls giggle when they say size does not matter.... Maybe you have not heard that.

...that was good for me too....Next time lets try for two minutes.
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I hear ya ron!
The truth about... you know who

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Strom, christmas horror-story? :D
Had to repost this, old one got removed for some reason (post #217)
And if you drop something on them or drop them on the floor, everyone will understand why are these designs called -dead bug-!
more advanced version is called ''cooked bug'' when stuff shorts together...
i now watched that link, woa, nice work! didn't mean to mock dead bug
My reply was a joke, but, sincerely, that is a true artwork!! :)
However they are very fragile and if a problem occurs it's a real challenge to solve it (I tried something like that too but my little designs had a very short life :banghead::()
I only solder them "on air" when experimenting and if the layout is very critical (especially with the high frequency circuits, such as FM bugs)!
This seems pretty accurate.


  • 12390881_10100117042258920_6134677728461242746_n.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 364
''free air guitars, please take only one''
air guitar.jpg

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