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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Funny Images Thread!

Hate to say it; I have two panels of ferrite bead memory. Should put it in ebay.
I had a 5mbyte hard drive. Saved up for it. It held all my programs and all my work and I could not imagine what I was going to do with the rest of the room.

Who remembers CPM operating system, Z80 2.5mhz,
Here is a funny: my first computer.
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Memory came like this. 16k/board and I finely got 3 boards.

Display 40x80 characters. No graphics. No color
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Wow I was really "in" back then.
Reminds me of the old Apple "Profile" (circa 1982):
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A 5MB HDD with its own PS that, at first, only worked with the Apple III (they later came up with a daughter board that worked with the Apple II+, then later the LISA).

$5,000. Or, for the maths disabled, $1,000/MB.

Given that today, at Staples, a 4TB HDD is about $100, had I wanted one of these in 1982, it would have cost you $20,000,000,000 - in 1982 USD$. IF I could have found 800,000 of the Profiles and a way to network them (didn't exist - Corvus had a single drive networking system, but it sucked hugely with only one computer :arghh:).

Another way to look at it is to realize just how little you need to spend, these days, in order to lose an incredible amount of data in a heartbeat... :banghead:.

Who remembers CPM operating system, Z80 2.5mhz
I do. Sold Kaypro and Osborne (both about $1,500 - a real steal back then). I always referred to CPM a "Cheese, Pepperoni and Mushrooms".
Oldie But Goodies.
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Hate to say it; I have two panels of ferrite bead memory. Should put it in ebay.
I had a 5mbyte hard drive. Saved up for it. It held all my programs and all my work and I could not imagine what I was going to do with the rest of the room.

Who remembers CPM operating system, Z80 2.5mhz,
Here is a funny: my first computer.
**broken link removed**
Memory came like this. 16k/board and I finely got 3 boards.

Display 40x80 characters. No graphics. No color
**broken link removed**
Wow I was really "in" back then.

Those were the days Ron :cool:

I got one of the first 2.5mHz Z80s as a sample. It was the CPU in my home brew computer called Algernon (from the book 'Flowers for Algernon' by Daniel Keyes). I also laid out, with tape, a 16K byte static ram board (because dynamic RAM was too complicated for my liking). We used the Eurocard format rather than S100. But no floppy or HDD- way too expensive. Modified cassette players were the thing. And modified 9 inch portable monochrome TVs for monitors.

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Electrical safety label.

Never open that door!
A buffalo walks in to a bar ...
Judging by traffic, this is in India (or in a similar region).

There is a moral there nsaspook. Never give a looser a break.:arghh:

On a serious note, I have got into more trouble trying to be kind than anything else.


As for the moral, I agree with Spec! Helping some people is worthless and/or bad for you!! ( I understood this from one of my hi-school classmates. I helped him many times and, instead of being grateful,he created me only problems!)
Judging by traffic, this is in India (or in a similar region).

As for the moral, I agree with Spec! Helping some people is worthless and/or bad for you!! ( I understood this from one of my hi-school classmates. I helped him many times and, instead of being grateful,he created me only problems!)

It is an odd life- some people are born to be losers and almost seem to thrive in the role. I have never figured it but the closest I can get is that it is a kind of laziness.

Like you, I have helped so many people only to have them turn on me.


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