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Halloween Give-away Projects

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Indeed, my solution for any vista-related problem would generally involve a flamethrower. It's an abyssmal operating system aimed at people who don't know how to use a computer and think they need scores of useless processes wasting memory and processor power 24/7 to perform unnecessary functions. Having said that, unless you clear out a load of the junk by hand, XP does the same thing on a slightly smaller scale.
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Wow the joys of Vista huh. :eek:

Thanks for sorting that out anyway!

So I should put a notice on my web site that to run the BTc Sound Encoder (BTc.exe) that Vista users should do this procedure;
1. Select "Run as administrator" option
2. Open Btc.exe
3. Click "allow" when the prompt appears?

Is that right? Sorry I don't have easy access to Vista to test it. :)

Also Wombweller, with controlling the servos, which system were you going to use; reprogramming the TalkBot PIC C code, or controlling it by serial with another micro? Both ways are farily easy but of course with the first option you need a PIC programmer.
Ohhh that's your website :D I have visited it before but didn't know that the RB in your name stood for Roman Black :p I liked your binary clock design.

Have I missed a post somewhere? Everyone seems to have grabbed this converter program and started using it and all I've heard about it are the problems it has under vista :p
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sir, can you give me a simple schematic diagram of talkbot using PIC or processor of ZILOG...

Sorry I don't have any open source schematics for making a TalkBot or talking micro. My web page;
BTc Sound Encoder v3.0 - free sound software
has free windows software you are welcome to use and the 1bit encoding algorithms are explained with some examples. If you are proficient in using PIC or other micro you can make your own using a PIC and a EEPROM memory and any small sound amplifier.

If a project of that level complexity is difficult for you then there is a ready-made talking PIC controller where all the difficult stuff has been done for you. That was why the TalkBot was created, for the people who wanted a talking PIC controller but did not have the skills to make one themselves or write their own code. You can buy one from here;
TalkBotBrain - Robot Controllers.

Hi Giftiger. Hopefully the Vista issues are sorted. As for using the BTc Sound Encoder, just download it and have a go with some wave files. I'm doing a tutorial at the moment that shows how to put your own sounds in, and how to drive a servo.
BTc v3.0 is fairly refined, in total the BTc Encoder program has been out for years and it has a pretty comprehensive help file.

If I was to give any quick tips for it that would be;
1. If any .WAV is not 44.1kHz then resample it BEFORE you join it to other waves!
2. MAXIMISE the volume with the inbuilt dynamic compressor, try and get it wall to wall in most of the sample.
3. Its easiest to build a library file by adding single waves together (less sound pointer editing)
4. Use good wave files; loud clear sounds, single sounds (no background noises)
5. For playback on TalkBot with it's inbuilt amp try encoding using alg1.5 and fine=21

Generally the best sound comes from a good wave file that is LOUD, as the 1bit noise component of the sound is fixed amplitude the bigger the sound amplitude the less noise in comparison. Also LOUD wave files are good because the little TalkBot amp is quiet, it's only about 300mW which is fine for desktop talking gadgets etc but it's not a PA system...
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Wow the joys of Vista huh. :eek:

Thanks for sorting that out anyway!

So I should put a notice on my web site that to run the BTc Sound Encoder (BTc.exe) that Vista users should do this procedure;
1. Select "Run as administrator" option
2. Open Btc.exe
3. Click "allow" when the prompt appears?

Is that right? Sorry I don't have easy access to Vista to test it. :)

Also Wombweller, with controlling the servos, which system were you going to use; reprogramming the TalkBot PIC C code, or controlling it by serial with another micro? Both ways are farily easy but of course with the first option you need a PIC programmer.

Hi RB.

RE. Vista. All I do is right mouse click on the exe. select run as admin, and Allow the prompt. So yes you are correct.

RE: controlling the servos.

I do have a programmer but I am at beginner level,I will more than likely be inclined to send the serial data via a separate PIC. In fact I would look at any methods of sending the serial data to the TalkBot.

In my application I would either go for a random short movement of the servo or trigger it by IR.

I'm even thinking with my moving eye portrait other than the eyes to use a servo to give the whole frame a quick shake every now and then also with a random Ghostly sound something like a lady crying for help as though she's trapped between this life and the afterlife.The idea being of course that the framed portrait is just supposed to be another family memeber, say grt.grt Grandma.

See attachment of the photo I may use.

Still thinking!!

Any advice on controlling the servos will go a long way.



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The 'run as admin' fixed the problem. However now whenever I try to play the sound file or play it back, all I get is static, I don't think it is even playing the whole clip :S
Birdman- how does the sound file LOOK in the program? Can you see the waveform? If is is a compressed .WAV or a .MP3 that has been mis-named as .WAV then it will look like trash.
The program should load any un-compressed .WAV, ie 8bit 16bit signed unsigned etc. It auto handles all those types.
Maybe try a different .WAV?

Wombweller- if you are using another PIC to drive it that is easy. Just send a 2byte serial command at 19200 baud. The TalkBot is already programmed to accept serial commands, using this format;

**broken link removed**
Hey Mr. Rb, the wave looked fine :S
I'll upload the file, maybe you will have better luck. Worse comes to worse I'll just use my computer that has XP on it...
(Rather help you debug vista though for your product)

Ok, so I can't upload it (invalid file type), should I email it to you?

Has any body else on Vista had success?
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Hey Mr. Rb, the wave looked fine :S
I'll upload the file, maybe you will have better luck. Worse comes to worse I'll just use my computer that has XP on it...
(Rather help you debug vista though for your product)

Ok, so I can't upload it (invalid file type), should I email it to you?

Has any body else on Vista had success?

Vista is becoming a real pain in the but!!

I can load wav. and SL. files and they play. Loaded WAV. files play ok from the 'play orig sound' pretty much as they sounded before download. When played with the 'play BTc sound' button I do get the crackling sound.

Again with Visa I can't open the help files.

Will keep on finding a solution!!

Anyone point me to some web help on writing code with serial commands?

Birdman- Sure please email me the .WAV file. I'll check it out.

Wombweller - Hmmm can't open the help file in Vista?? I use the Microsoft Help Workshop to create the .HLP files. You think that Microsoft's Vista would open help files created in their own help file workshop program... :(

But I guess Microsoft make billions from releasing new software that causes problems with their old software. ;)

I wonder if it's because I used the compress option to keep the .HLP file smaller?

What's the "crackling sound" you are getting? The BTc Encoded 1bit sound will have some noise artifacts on it, all 1bit sound does. Did you maximise the volume of the sound wave fully from screen top-bottom? That keeps the noise artifacts to a minimum.
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Birdman- Sure please email me the .WAV file. I'll check it out.

Wombweller - Hmmm can't open the help file in Vista?? I use the Microsoft Help Workshop to create the .HLP files. You think that Microsoft's Vista would open help files created in their own help file workshop program... :(

But I guess Microsoft make billions from releasing new software that causes problems with their old software. ;)

I wonder if it's because I used the compress option to keep the .HLP file smaller?

What's the "crackling sound" you are getting? The BTc Encoded 1bit sound will have some noise artifacts on it, all 1bit sound does. Did you maximise the volume of the sound wave fully from screen top-bottom? That keeps the noise artifacts to a minimum.

Hi Mr RB

I'm now thinking that BTc just emphasized the loaded original wav file and the background noises were already there.Finding good quality Wav.files will help!!

Although with the BTc sound file 'exterminate' etc. does play with a background hiss like an out of tune radio when using the 'play BTc sound' button.

Is this normal ?

With the Help files Vista doe does not come loaded with the Win. files required to run them. I was prompted to download the said win.?? files from MS. and now it's worse :mad:

I will keep experimenting!!!

Birdman- That Moan01.WAV you sent me is pretty nasty.

I tried playing it in Winamp (which will autodetect and play just about ANYTHING) and it said "Unknown MP3 codec". I then tried loading it into Audacity freeware wave editor and it refused to load. It is one of those rare compressed wave files.

My BTc program will read the header and get the data size etc and open the .WAV file, but of course as the sound data is compressed it comes out as trash.

Wombweller- that "exterminate" sound clip is just a free sound bite I got from the internet, it has background noise where it was recorded from the TV show.

I'm sorry about the Vista help situation it's annoying as I spent some time making a comprehensive help file AND kept the features to the most basic (text + pictures + contents).

When I get some time i'll read up on adapting the WinXP help files to work with #%@$% Vista. Has Microsoft gone broke yet??? ;)

(edit) I just put up the help file, this time it is the uncompressed version. Maybe this one will work with Vista? The 2 files needed are in this .ZIP file;
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Mr RB, thank you so much for the talkbot! I just got it today and wow, its all set up and ready to go. Just be careful guys, don't erase the file in the first 5 minutes like I did :p
Has anyone with Vista tried the new help file I put the link to in post #55?

Hi Mr RB.

I have tried and it's the same result.Attached is a copy of the message.

The problem lies with the WinHlp32.exe as Vista does not come with this loaded as previous products did.

I down loaded the exe and now I get what you see in the message.
I cannot open Help files that require the Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe) program

Oh you get the same message even when not trying to open via BTc.

Hope this helps.

You got any advice on writing a C code with the serial commands in? website tutorial or anything?

Any other methods of sending the serial commands to the Talkbot?



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