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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Halloween Give-away Projects

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Mr. RB

Any possibilities in the 'short term' producing the help files in another format?

I'm not too worried as BTc. seems to be working ok just the fine tuning that may help.

BTW. I have also tested other hlp. files on other Apps. and they seem to run as expected.

Any other person tried?

Why do the big guns at MS. make things so complicated!!!! Control of the masses!!

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Ok I put up the tutorial on driving a servo, this is a tutorial on modifying the TalkBot internal Slave1 firmware to move a servo under internal control;
TalkBotBrain Tutorials (Talking door lock using 1 servo)


Hmm the Vista help thing has me a little stumped. I just read the link you posted;
I cannot open Help files that require the Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe) program
and it appears they are saying all you need to do is;
To obtain the WinHlp32.exe download for Windows Vista, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Download details: WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista (Download details: WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista)

But from what you are saying wombweller that you already installed WinHlp32.exe and it still doesn't work?

All I can put it down to is that the program I am using to make the help file (Microsoft Help Workshop) is a few years old and the .HLP files it is creating are in some older format. Although I've never had a problem with the help files it creates in any other Windows version including XP.

I suppose the next option is for me to try to get a freeware app that will convert older .HLP files into a format that Vista can use directly. Since I only used the most basic stuff in the help files (text/pictures/links) that might be workable. The workings of .HLP files are VERY basic. Good old Microsoft huh. :(


Re controlling the TalkBot with serial, we sent a serial lead with it, you can just plug that into your PC and send serial commands from your PC if you want to test it that way.

It's best though to send commands from another microcontroller though. What micro/pcb do you use?
TalkbotBrain and C18/Junebug

I could not resist connecting the TalkBotBrain to a Junebug.

This C18 code demonstrates how to drive the Talkbot Brain from a PIC18F1320. I am using the SLAVE1 firmware which communicates at 19200 baud. If you are using SLAVE2 (2400 baud) you need to adjust SPBRG the last parameter in OpenUSART from 25 to 207.

This thing is a lot of fun and it will be interesting to see what other people do with it.

 * TalkBotBrain C18/Junebug demo
 * Build in the MPLAB IDE using C18 and device type 181320
 * .
#pragma config OSC=INTIO2, WDT=OFF, LVP=OFF 
#include <p18F1320.h>
#include <delays.h>
#include <usart.h>

void delay_10us(unsigned char t);
void delay_ms(long t);

void main (void)
    unsigned char c;

    OSCCON = 0x72; // speed up the clock to 8MHz, 18F1320 
    ADCON1 = 0x70; // Set RB0, RB1, RB4 as digital I/O pins
    TRISB = 0xFF;  // RB1 and RB4 input
    TRISA = 0xBE;  // for charlieplex LEDs
    // 8 MHz, 19.2K baud, N 8 1
    // demo one byte playback codes
    putcUSART('Z');  // out of range ***
    putcUSART('E');  // exterminate1
    putcUSART('G');  // exterminate2
    //demo 2 byte codes for playback    
    for (c=0x00;c<0x09;c++)
      LATAbits.LATA6 = ! LATAbits.LATA6;

// not sure how good these are, close enough for this app
void delay_10us(unsigned char t)
   int i;
   for (i=0;i<t;i++)

void delay_ms(long t)   // delays t millisecs
       delay_10us(99);    // not 100 to compensate for overhead
   } while(--t);
*** Without sending the out of range address the first "Exterminate" would play twice. I have not looked into it yet.

Junebug to TalkBotBrain Cable

Junebug CON8 to TalkBotBrain L
6 RB1/TX ... L RX
7 RB4/RX ... L TX
8 GND ....... L GND (center)

Note that the L (Logic) and P (PC) both connect to the talkbot's serial connection. P uses RS232 level signals, L uses logic level signals.

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Nice to see a Junebug example 3v0! :)

I'll put your code up on the site soon, I need to put lots of examples on there of connecting the TalkBot to other controllers. A photo would be great too! People love them photos.

Re the issue with needing to send an invalid address up front, this is a known issue that can happen when the TalkBot boots up, it has a delay and depending on the voltage on the Serial in pin (L RX) during the delay period the TalkBot USART can get a trash byte in it. I haven't worried about the issue as it is cleared the moment the second byte is sent. So by sending an invalid address (or any byte) you fix it by clearing the first trash byte from the USART.

There are a couple of undocumented features of the TalkBot Slave1;
1. if a sound is playing you can send the next 1 or 2 serial bytes (they are queued OK, but sending a 3rd or more bytes cause a USART error which clears all)
2. When a sound is finished playing, the TalkBot sends the sound number (as 1byte) out of the serial TX, which can tell the master that it's ready to play the next sound.
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I assume everyone's got their TalkBots by now? :)

If anyone needs help with getting a Sound Library built to put in their Talkbot, or any programming/serial issues etc then just speak up.
I have a say It from Parallax, and have thrown together a program that gives audio feedback,with the TalkBotBrain,depending on the commands you say.

I am working on new commands to program in the say it module, but here is a video of what I am talking about... YouTube - TalkBot and Say-it together
Cheers RB

Hi RB.

Got mine :) all safe and sound, like the compact design.

I will contact you RE: serial commands as I'm probably the most inexperienced amongst the people who received a Talkbot.
I think your website is quite easily understandable 'even for a newbie' it's my end that's the task as PIC's are new to me but I'm willing to learn and I'm looking in to it all at the mo!!!

I have yet to understand how BASIC and VB. serial commands go together within a programme to control the talkbot.

Just looking in Bits, Bytes ASCII and Binary. an example of a coommand may help me.

Will keep you updated.

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Wombweller, in VB 2008 you can set up a serial port for "outside communications", for instance you could have the following code under a button event to actuate the first sound.

 If _port.IsOpen Then
            _port = SerialPort1

Wombweller, in VB 2008 you can set up a serial port for "outside communications", for instance you could have the following code under a button event to actuate the first sound.

 If _port.IsOpen Then
            _port = SerialPort1


Hi Mike

Just looking in to VB 8 now. I'm looking at 1 sound at random intervals and 1 maybe 2 servos again random.

Cheers for the code, will try the example.

Just watched your youtube vid. well done I can see how that could be usful.

I have a say It from Parallax, and have thrown together a program that gives audio feedback,with the TalkBotBrain,depending on the commands you say.

I am working on new commands to program in the say it module, but here is a video of what I am talking about... YouTube - TalkBot and Say-it together

That sounds very cool! Talk-in and talk-out. :) I never thought of that but's a very nice idea since the Talkbot was designed to make speaking controllers etc for the visually impaired and elderly as one of it's main uses. So talk-in talk-out would be great for someone with mobility issues.
Unfortunately I don't have a flash player compatible with the youtube plugins at the moment so I cant see the vid. If you want to send me the vid that would be cool, and I can put it on the talkbot page otherwise I will just link to the youtube vid so people can see it that way.

Birdman- you didn't get it yet? That's slow I would have expected it arriving sooner. Probably customs checking it out, they just LOVE it when you send little assembled PCBs through the mail. ;)

Wombweller- to send a command to make the TalkBot speak, all you do is send one serial byte;
'A' (65) = play sound0
'B' (66) = play sound1 etc

You can just plug in the serial lead I provided between the Talkbot and your PC, and open up any freeware terminal program that sends bytes (there was one in Windows but I'm not sure about Vista).

Then set the terminal program to "19200 baud" it's as easy as that. Then press the A key on your PC keyboard to play sound0, press D to play sound3 etc.

If you are going to use visual basic then I'm probably not qualified to help on the VB side, I know the basic basics :D but that's about it I haven't used VB since I had a dos version on the '80s.

Procedurally it's very easy;

1. make a random number T, from 3-6
2. delay for (T * seconds) ok that's your random delay
3. make a random number S, from 0-9 (if you have 10 sounds)
4. send a serial byte which is ('A' + S) ok that played a random sound

Moving a servo is a little more complex but not much. If you get the above random sound player running ok with VB then it won't be hard to add the extra servo code on top.

My Talking Skull Dice is looking pretty cool, I sprayed it matte black and it's got a bone grey hand sculpted skull on top that you press to make the dice speak. I just glued the electronics in with silastic silicone so it's drying at the moment. :)
Where are all the projects?
Been waiting to see what everyone done with theirs.
The only one Ive seen is the skull one.
Are they on a different thread like the skull one?
Yeah people let's keep these projects coming. :) I don't need much, just a photo or two and a brief description. You can go down in history when your project gets posted on the site as one of the first TalkBot users. :D

Mike2545- I finally got Youtube working and saw your video, that's a hoot! I like the Star Trek computer noises that acknowlege that it received your spoken commands. That's an excellent setup. I can put a link to your Youtube video on the site, but one thing that would be nice is a picture of the TalkBot connected to the Sayit or to PC serial etc next to the Sayit.

If anyone wants to see my Talking Skull Dice it is here; Source Files

Also I'm quite happy to help anyone make a more involved project out of their TalkBot, like a talking thermometer (there's on on that link above) or a talking clock (I have one about finished) or something like the talking door lock on
TalkBot TB_Servo1 Tutorial

I've been in the middle of about 4 commercial projects at the moment so I haven't been spending as many hours a week as I wanted on the TalkBot site, but I am continuing to check this thread to help anyone with their TalkBots.
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Does anyone need any help? I'm still waiting to hear from; Allvol, Gaspode, Wombweller.

Looks like we might have lost Giftiger he seems to have been banned from the forum.
Been eagerly following this thread from the start waiting to see the amazing projects for halloween. Hasnt halloween passed??
Yes it has. It's been a pretty poor showing. 6 people accepted free products with the agreement that they would make something for halloween and post a picture and a paragraph.

Mike2545 has done something with his, Birdman has contected me and said he is doing something with his (hopefully he will post a picture soon) and the other 4 people seem to have quietly faded away...

I have some other products to do giveaways with in the future (and probably more TalkBots) and like the idea of supporting my local community (ie supporting this forum) and I can't really believe that as much as 66% of members of the forum are dishonest.

Ok halloween seems to have gone. We have all blown deadlines and I was partially at fault because I was late promoting this competition and people only got their free talkBot 10 to 12 days before Haloween. Technical people are known for blowing deadlines haha.

Come on people just make *something* with your TalkBots, anything that talks when you press a button or moves a servo under serial control etc. If I can get a picture of what you made and put it on the site than it won't be a total loss.

It's a fun product, it's easy to use. Connect some wires to it, load some sounds in and post a picture. Please! :D
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