Hardware ESC 8xSERVO CONTROL on PIC (Oshonsoft BASIC)

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From that table of values, it's doing the 'i*250' portion as a byte (with a byte result) and then adding that to 2000.

I don't know what the syntax would be to get it to do the math using words... never used it.
Tumbleweed worked it out earlier. (#505)
It turns out that making i a word fixes it.

Will be interesting to see what happens with interrupts again.

Hi M,

Yes, I agree, but Osh removes the indents, when I save the file.
I'm not sure if there's a way of doing it cleanly, I'll try different methods.
I just re-indent it each time, and sometimes get it wrong.


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Hi S,
Who is this addressed to?
OK, that's good. Do you have a GPS attached to this chip? If so, is it attached to the RX pin?

What else does this chip need to do?

Hi M,
Yes, there is a GPS connected to the RX, I can't post the GPS PARSE, yet, as it is being tidied up by my mate ((Procedures etc). There is a GPS on PIC1, that he's working on, which should work on this PIC4.

If you add a 'MAIN: goto MAIN' LOOP I can try some tests.

It's difficult to remember all that this PIC will be doing, as I haven't given it much thought, till all of the peripharals are working throughout all 4xPICs. It's complicated!

The 4431 will PARSE the GPS read the SPI DATA from PIC one, and calculate stuff like forward, reverse, tilt, steering angle etc.

EDIT: Before anything I would like to be able to connect 8xSERVOS, and get them all to move as directed.
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If you add a 'MAIN: goto MAIN' LOOP I can try some tests.
Just add your code to the while wend loop that is currently empty.
EDIT: Before anything I would like to be able to connect 8xSERVOS, and get them all to move as directed.
Just try it, it should work as is.

I think adding reading of the USART in the ISR is the way to go. Then the main loop (while - wend) can do the parsing and set the servo positions. What is being received via SPI?

Hi M,
As I've said before, I mess about in my own folder.
First I tried putting LEDS inside the WEND WHILE LOOP, which didn't work.
I just changed WAIT WEND to MAIN GOTO MAIN and added some LEDs which appear to be working, and being INTERRUPTED.
So far it's only in the SIM, and I'll try 'live' in a while.

What I have to do is go over it all again incase I made a mistake some where, so it's all clear.
I'll write some code to exercise the servos so they'll go from fully one way to the other and back again to prove the code works.

While wend is just a more concise way of doing main, goto main and considered better programming (not sure why).

Try adding the following to the code,
For i = 0 to 7
  LATC.2=1                'send positive clock edge
  servoPos(i)=i*250+2000  '1ms(2000) to 1.875(1 7/8ths - 3750)ms in 1/8th mS steps
  LATC.2=0                'send negative edge
  servoDir(i)= i and 1    '<<<<<<<added
Next i
While 1
  while servoCount=0                'wait for 20mS to pass (=1/50th of a second)
  while servoCount<>0
  for i=0 to 7
    if servoDir(i)=1 then
      servoPos(i)=servoPos(i)+40    'add 1/50th to the servo position
      servoPos(i)=servoPos(i)-40    'subtract it
    if servoPos<2000 then           'have we gone past the end?
        servoPos(i)=2000            'yes so make it the end stop
        servoDir(i)=1               'and turn it around
    if servoPos(i)>4000 then        'same for other end
  next i
  'adjust servo positions here
This should make all 8 servos go from one end to the other in 1 second. Making the 40 value lower will slow them down and higher will yup, you guessed it.

I'm not sure if the instruction i and 1 is valid or not but it's supposed to put 1 and 0 in consecutive servoDir locations.

Hi M,
Can you also add a LOOP where any program will go, so I can change them as and when please?

I'll test this. I also tried no 1 before and it didn't work, I'll try again.

Can you also add a LOOP where any program will go, so I can change them as and when please?
Just think of the while wend loop as a loop as that's what it is. It's exactly the same as a label, goto lable loop. Change it if you like.
while 1
goto label
I also tried no 1 before and it didn't work, I'll try again.
What is no 1?

Hi M,
All noted.

I'm not sure if the instruction i and 1 is valid or not but it's supposed to put 1 and 0 in consecutive servoDir locations.
Somehow, I read this 'i' as the 'WAIT1', which is of course wrong.

(i) is a buffer array, (1) is a specific SERVO. (If I understand you correctly.

EDIT: I tried compiling and it didn't like the 'servodir(i) = i And 1 '<<<<<<<added' line. (To many arguments)
This isn't necessary for me, as I should able to set the SERVOs as and when.
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How do you do an AND operation in Oshonsoft? The manual tells me it can be done but not how!!!

It's the most useless manual I've ever seen.

The manual,

But then it never gets mentioned again. Totally useless.
Note, it says, also available for byte and word variables.

And, example 2 is totally useless as both x and y are undefined. Who wrote this pile of poo? Can anyone tell me what x contains?

How do you do an AND operation in Oshonsoft? The manual tells me it can be done but not how!!!

It's the most useless manual I've ever seen.

I and 1 is a bitwise operation, result = bit zero of I, same as I and %00000001
Yes the manual is bad, you have to test almost all statements.
And, example 2 is totally useless as both x and y are undefined. Who wrote this pile of poo? Can anyone tell me what x contains?

Hi M,
I was introduced to Oshonsoft, in the 90s, as it speaks BASIC, like I try to do.
It has been written by Vladimir, who is a one man band, and the Simulator has helped me figure stuff out. I know there are other languages, and simulators, but I support the Oshonsoft project.
I'm not certain, bu I think anyone can add to the Manual.
Hi M,
I added [Dim servodir(8) As Byte] and it started working, also the 'live' SERVO is going forwards and backwards.


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