Help making a timed flash circuit

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dear andrew, the inductor is used to boost the current to about 24v and due to the persistentance of vision, the flickering lights may not be visible. please look at the pdf file for simulated wave outputs,and i've posted a buzzer (look at my previous posts)
Also note that magnatro's schematic shows the LEDs wired in series - you would need to wire them in parallel.

the out put wave form will have about 24 V peak, so in series will do. and he intended doing this with 1.5 v battery, so i tried to boost the voltage (like in a joule thief)
yeah, that's right.. but when i designed this, i designed it in parts. and that was a mistake of me connecting the Vcc and reset pin.
the pin 4 is not floating, if it is i cannot have the wave form posted there... (see the wave form) and he want an LED flash.. not xenon for his purpose.
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'you activate a switch (needs to be off when pressed, up when on) and this then sets off either a 5 second or 10 second timer, Simultaniously it also charges a camera flash capacitor. After 5/10 seconds the timer fires the flash along with a buzzer. After the flash and buzzer have sounded it needs to switch off until you press a reset button.'

That sounds to me like two monostables would be needed - one for the delay, then that activates the second monostable which sends a brief pulse of power to flash the LED and buzzer.

Ill try and clear this up for both of you incase it was confusing.

I need to activate the switch and 5-10 seconds later a buzzer and flash need to go. 5 seconds is prefered if its do able.
It looks Good, but im not sure what that test is showing, I can see that its producing the spike of near 30v for the flash/buzzer but the time of 1 second, was that just for the test.

Which resistor and capacitors do i change for the 10 second delay (you mentioned a variable resistor Which actually thinking about it would be the best plan as it then allows me to adjust the time delay more quickly)

A parts list would be even more helpful as i cannot find exactly all the correct parts i need.
I dont want to spend money to find i bought the wrong part. was just for simulation sake, the 30 v pulse can be used to power the leds in series for your flash.
change the r5 and c4
r5 =100k and capacitor = 100f for 10 second delay..
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IC1,IC2 - NE 555
R5 - 100k 1/4 watt carbo filim ~ can be replaced by 100 k variable resistor
R1 - 10k 1/4 watt carbo filim
R2,R3 - 1k 1/4 watt carbo filim
C4 - 100 u electrolytic,16V
C3 - .01 uf , ceramic disc
C1 - .01 uf , ceramic disc
C7 - 10 uF ,electrolytic, 16V
C2 - .1 uF ,electrolytic, 16V
C2 - 470 uF ,electrolytic, 16V
T1 - 2N 4104
S1 - push to ON micro switch, omron
SG1 - piezo buzzer having internal oscillator
LEDs 1 - 7 - high bright LED
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I have spoken to bitsbox and they helped me out with links.

They said the transistor is a rare transistor and could you use an alternative.


Which of these **broken link removed** would you use? Im after very high noise out of as small as possible



ps so far its about £5 in parts inc postage.
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TIP29A may be the replacement..
click here
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something like above will serve you!
..and its piezo buzzer
look here
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**broken link removed** which of these would be best to use?

Also what is L1 as it was not in the list of parts.

ALso this is my list so far:

*NE555 timer IC
Item Number QU001 £0.50
*0.25W Carbon Resistor x1
Item Number CR1 Value: 100k £0.04
*0.25W Carbon Resistor x1
Item Number CR1 Value: 10k £0.04
*0.25W Carbon Resistor x1
Item Number CR1 Value: 1k £0.08
*100uF 16V Electrolytic
Item Number EC100U16 £0.07
*10uF 16V Electrolytic
Item Number EC10U16 £0.07
*0.1uF Ecap
Item Number EC0U163 £0.10
*470uF 16V Electrolytic
Item Number EC470U16 £0.12
*Ceramic Disc Capacitor x1
Item Number CDC1 Value: 10nf £0.10
*White LED 5mm 30000
Item Number OP027 £3.22
*BC337 Transistor
Item Number QD004 £0.08
*V4 Microswitch PCB
Item Number SW071 £0.50
*Piezo Sounder
Item Number ST016 £1.08

Postage & Packing: £1.50 GBP
Total Amount: £7.50 GBP

I also need a battery holder (2 x AA?)
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Will 2x AA batteries be good enough for this or does it need to be a 3v lithium cell?

100uH an inductor?
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IC1/2 - 2x - NE555 timer IC

R5 - 1x - 0.25W Carbon Resistor x1 Value: 100k
R1 - 1x - 0.25W Carbon Resistor x1 Value: 10k
R2, R3 - 2x - 0.25W Carbon Resistor x1 Value: 1k

C4 - 1x - 100uF 16V Electrolytic
C7 - 1x - 10uF 16V Electrolytic
C2 - 1x - 0.1uF Ecap
C6 - 1x - 470uF 16V Electrolytic

C1, C3 - 2x - Ceramic Disc Capacitor Value: 10nf

LEDs - 7x - White LED 5mm 30000

T1 - 1x - BC337 Transistor

S1 - 1x - V4 Microswitch PCB

SG1 - 1x - Piezo Sounder

variable resistor - 1x - 100k linear 16mm pot

battery holder - 1x - 2 x AA Battery Holder

L1 -1x - 100uH Axial Lead Inductor MICC

Please check this list and make suer it matches your schematics, I have double checked it but i would like it triple checked before i make the order.
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