As crazy as that bird's nest looks, I was methodical about hookups. I am confident there. The two pairs of pumps on tide (flick too!) and two pairs of pumps on wave seem happy to do their thing.
The 8 PS backup diodes are lined up in a straight row accompanied by 9 terminal connections. A bare wire is soldered to the cathodes and connected to the 9th terminal. After disconnecting all diodes and starting with diode #1, here are the values I just took from my DMM on diode setting; 1, 1, 1, 003, 641, 621, 626, 621. With the DMM probes reversed-1, 046, 1, 003, 1, 1, 1, 1.
Two days ago, before hooking up pumps, I got values from all 8 diodes that looked like the current values of diodes 5-8. Since then, I ran the pumps for 5-10 minutes.
Last night I happened to notice an LED was lit up on a PDM that had no PS plugged into it. Sure enough, that pump was running and there was 24V coming out of that anode.