So, everything is (I believe) back in place. The mods are the following:
- R14 replaced with a 3k + 500ohm pot; currently setup to 3.5k, close to its default 3.6k value
- C1: improved mylar type cap
- C10: ditto
- C4 has a NP cap, I've tried shortening it out altogether during the tests, since we have the variable R14 in there now.
Voltage at the base of C4 : 110mV
Speaker resistance is 3.8 Ohms - seems about right that does!
On the signal board, all the caps were replaced, and as explained before, it detects signal in auto-mode, so that works; but clearly something is stopping the power section somewhere... I'm just glad it's not burning this time for change, had my fair share of magic smoke in the spring...
How are things in the US? Hope you weren't affected by Irene?
OK, saw your post. I'll be busy for the next couple of days. I'll have to get back into the swing of things myself.
So, at this point everything is supposedly complete, but not working? What mods are in place?
What's that voltage between the two bases (the bases that have been been shorted together)?
Check the resistance of the speaker?