Gain x BW is the definition of GBW. The plot of this for all possible gains is shown in the open-loop gain versus frequency, for which the GBW is a constant for typical op amps.
If you draw a horizontal line at a particular closed-loop gain, then where it intercepts the open-loop plot is the circuit bandwidth at that gain.
I don't quite understand your confusion on this. (?)
Sorry, my confusion is why some people define GBW using closed-loop gain while some using open-loop gain.
To solve this mystery, I tried to find the voltage transfer functions for both an inverting and non-inverting op amp configurations and their corner frequencies. For a certain kind of op amps, I got a conclusion:
closed-loop dc gain)*(bandwidth in that closed-loop condition)
open-loop dc gain of an op amp itself)*(open-loop bandwidth of that op amp)
= a constant for that op amp, which is why we have a GBW value for an op amp
I'm not sure if that is a general rule, hope that you could correct some of the mistakes. Here's what I did:
If you draw a horizontal line at a particular closed-loop gain, then where it intercepts the open-loop plot is the circuit bandwidth at that gain
Could you please show me how to prove that statement?
Although a simulation agrees with the prediction:
(Vout2 represents the closed-loop gain variation with frequency, Vout1 represents the open-loop gain variation of that op amp model with frequency.)
I'd still like to know
how we obtain such a powerful tool. I tried the following approach to get a provement, but failed.
Ac = the closed-loop dc gain of some op amp configuration
fc = the bandwidth of that closed-loop configuration
Ao = the open-loop dc gain of the op amp
fo = the open-loop bandwidth of the op amp
What I know is that the two rectangular areas are equal:
Ao*fo = Ac*fc
and the two curves have the same slope: -20dB/decade.
If I can show that a=b or a/b=1, the statement is proved:
but it doesn't seem to be equal to unity ...