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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Hydroxy gas

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I have recently started researching making Brown's gas and I think that the idea of separating hydrogen and oxygen using pulsed DC just might work more efficiently. From what I had read Stan was using a voltage of around 1.0 - 1.5 Kv DC at 20 Khz and this could be depended on the length of his plates (which I believe were stainless 416 grade) pipe on the outside and rods in the center. Also the distance between the plates I would think would effect the frequency.
I have recently started researching making Brown's gas and I think that the idea of separating hydrogen and oxygen using pulsed DC just might work more efficiently. From what I had read Stan was using a voltage of around 1.0 - 1.5 Kv DC at 20 Khz and this could be depended on the length of his plates (which I believe were stainless 416 grade) pipe on the outside and rods in the center. Also the distance between the plates I would think would effect the frequency.

So if you think it works, why not go out and do it (instead of posting here)?.

No one yet has managed to get these scams to work yet, perhaps you might be the first? - but the majority here are convinced it can't possibly work.
I have recently started researching making Brown's gas and I think that the idea of separating hydrogen and oxygen using pulsed DC just might work more efficiently. From what I had read Stan was using a voltage of around 1.0 - 1.5 Kv DC at 20 Khz and this could be depended on the length of his plates (which I believe were stainless 416 grade) pipe on the outside and rods in the center. Also the distance between the plates I would think would effect the frequency.

1-1.5Kv? You'd fry yourself

it was actually 1.2V -2V max with I believe 1.2 being the optimum voltage, and the frequency varied all the time depending on the type of water, how much was in the container and the additives in it, thats why so many adjustments

I'm with the " it MIGHT work" group, however there is NO way you can get enough gas to poweran ICE(internal combustion engine) without MANY such setups running in parallel, and the current being drawn by that many would be more than the alternator in the car could supply, let alone supply enough and still power all the other things in the car.
Your talking around 10A minimum per circuit, 20A possibly depending on how you work it and possibly even more, multiply that by the amount of "generators" you'd have to have to produce enough gas to actually power the engine with no petrol(gas for you americans) then your talking around 200Amps MINIMUM

not feasible on a car.
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Yes, I agree with you 100% Karen. That is why some people only want to supplement expensive gas with inexpensive HHO. ATM, this seems to be THE biggest unknown. How many liters per min of HHO do you need for a 1.0L or bigger engine at a given RPM. Before I can contribute my numbers, I am planning to buy a programmmer, adjust the fuel curves way lean, and adjust the air/fuel mixture from 14.7/1 to something like 30/1 or 60/1. Then add in some HHO. Very complicated and time consuming procedure. Not to mention $500 for the programmer...
ATM acronym meaning?

Yes, I agree with you 100% Karen. That is why some people only want to supplement expensive gas with inexpensive HHO. ATM.

Tell me what ATM means Please. kv :confused:
ATM = At The Moment
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
WRT = With Regard To
WTF = Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (What the F---?)
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

A large collection of common (and not-so-common) Internet acronyms is available at **broken link removed** (first Google hit). There are others around too.

HTH! ;)

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Thank you Torben.

I don't think any one else would have even bothered.

But you know me. :D

I still get hit with it ? I will be saving that URL.

Thanks again.
That is why some people only want to supplement expensive gas with inexpensive HHO.
I haven't read anything here about how to make inexpensive HHO. Small amounts of HHO can be had using large amounts of electricity. That sounds expensive to me.
ATM = At The Moment
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
WRT = With Regard To
WTF = Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (What the F---?)
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

A large collection of common (and not-so-common) Internet acronyms is available at **broken link removed** (first Google hit). There are others around too.

HTH! ;)


I hate it when people use those sorts of abbreviations. I never use them.
Mr. Meyers had many US and international patents for his device.And as you may or may not know a patent must proven to work and as described by examination from patent office experts.

And he was later proven a fraud in court after duping investors...
In 1996, inventor Stanley Meyer was sued by two investors to whom he had sold dealerships, offering the right to do business in Water Fuel Cell technology. According to The Times, Meyer claimed in court that his invention "opened the way for a car which would 'run on water', powered simply by a car battery." The car would even run perpetually without fuel since the energy needed to continue the "fracturing" was low enough for the engine's dynamo to recharge the car's battery. His car was due to be examined by the expert witness Michael Laughton, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. However, Meyer made what Professor Laughton considered a "lame excuse" on the days of examination and did not allow the test to proceed. The Water Fuel Cell, on the other hand, was examined by three expert witnesses in court who found that there "was nothing revolutionary about the cell at all and that it was simply using conventional electrolysis". The court found Meyer guilty of "gross and egregious fraud" and ordered to repay the two investors their $25,000.[2]
If anyone here watches videos from ZeroFossilFuel, I found out a disturbing fact that the stainless steel that is used as electrodes puts out a hazardous chemical because of the electrical current being passed through the steel. The chemical is Hexavalent Chromium. Yes the same chemical which is highlighted in the movie "Erin Brockovich" starring Julia Roberts. Be very careful with your used electrolyte when disposing of it. I hope everyone listens to this advice. Peace
Yes, I just saw that yesterday. I guess they use chromium in the manufacturing of 316 SS, and it leaches out in liquid form...

Oh, BTW, SS = stainless steel. BTW = by the way. Sometimes people don't like to type things out, but if other people need everything spelled out for them then I guess that is what we will have to do.

Speaking of zerofossilfuel, I saw him build an electrode with magnetic wire and am still waiting for him to test it out. The manual I acquired from the "run your car on water" website, has design plans with a toroidal core (it's basically a coil/inductor with a donut shape ferrite core) sitting atop a "joe cell" type of electrode of a similar diameter. The inductor is pulsed at around 20Hz, and is supposed to produce "parahydrogen", the slower burning form of HHO. This I am abit skeptical of, and is why I am asking if anyone out there has submersed an inductor under water with any good results?
I am planning to buy a programmmer, adjust the fuel curves way lean, and adjust the air/fuel mixture from 14.7/1 to something like 30/1 or 60/1. Then add in some HHO. Very complicated and time consuming procedure. Not to mention $500 for the programmer...

Yes because we can just lean out an engine and expect it to run fine and it's just something a whole bunch of engineers overlooked? Lean out an engine 60:1 and you'll see rods go through your block and pistons through your hood, no matter if you suppliment it with HHO or not. $500 programmer is nothing, you can tune an engine with a $200 MegaSquirt ECU or go to a full blown Motec unit which will cost you thousands. You can't just "willy nilly" things and go "oh wow why hasn't anyone done this before?", you'll find out why nobody drives a car with 60:1 air/fuel ratio once you try it yourself... The cult following seems to have a lot of uneducated people in the group, and those that are somewhat educated seem to follow their god Stanley like sheep.

I'm all for alternative energy, but if it requires energy to extract something (wether it be oil, nuclear or hydrogen) the output has to be greater than the input...otherwise it's like running a generator to keep itself running...until it runs out of gas. Then what's the point?

skeeterb said:
If anyone here watches videos from ZeroFossilFuel, I found out a disturbing fact that the stainless steel that is used as electrodes puts out a hazardous chemical because of the electrical current being passed through the steel. The chemical is Hexavalent Chromium.

Julia Roberts must be a fantastic scientist...or how about you post some reports that backs up this claim? What form is this hazardous chemical emitted? *feeds the fire*
Yes, I just saw that yesterday. I guess they use chromium in the manufacturing of 316 SS, and it leaches out in liquid form...

Ah hahahaha. Yes that is one element of what makes stainless steel "stainless", the chromium added to it. Now if you run current through it in a vat of water, the chromium leeches out? What does that do to the stainless steel? It will rust. Now how many of your HHO modules do you have to keep replacing the SS plates and housings due to rust contaminating your water?

Almost everything you guys say contradict everything that is already known through modern day engineering and physics.

Maybe from now on, any claims in this part of the forum should have some credible info backing it up, these HHO threads would die in a heartbeat.
How do you know this? and exactly what are you qualifications? I guess you are here to educate us all with your EXPERIENCE? I hope so which is why I post some of my ideas. Pistons and rods are more likely to break under intense gas expansion or forced air induction like supercharging or turbocharging under lean conditions, that is NOT running at idle no matter how lean. I would like someone who has tried it before to educate us with their experience, not ridicule with conjecture.That is even more worthless than "crackpot" theories IMHO.

I have my theories as to why some things have not been tried before. But that is saved for all the conspiracy theorists and would not make for a constructive discussion.
Ah hahahaha. Yes that is one element of what makes stainless steel "stainless", the chromium added to it. Now if you run current through it in a vat of water, the chromium leeches out? What does that do to the stainless steel? It will rust. Now how many of your HHO modules do you have to keep replacing the SS plates and housings due to rust contaminating your water?

Almost everything you guys say contradict everything that is already known through modern day engineering and physics.

Maybe from now on, any claims in this part of the forum should have some credible info backing it up, these HHO threads would die in a heartbeat.

What "credible info" are you referring to? I thought the guy just made a credible statement warning against hexavalent chromium.
What "credible info" are you referring to? I thought the guy just made a credible statement warning against hexavalent chromium.

Toothpaste used orally stunts brain development. Note: Just because someone says something doesn't make it credible... (FYI I just made that up, just so you don't believe that statement I just made)

Electric_EyE said:
How do you know this?

It's common place knowledge in the Mechanical and Metalurgical Engineering field...hell you can even google it and it will show you there is Chromium along with other elements *gasp* that are in Stainless Steel.

Electric_EyE said:
and exactly what are you qualifications?

I work in a Mechanical Engineering position and run my own company engineering/fabricating automotive parts along with servicing local engineering/fabrication shops. Now your turn...

Electric_EyE said:
I guess you are here to educate us all with your EXPERIENCE?

I post here because this thread is a prime example of how dangerous the internet can be. I can't say I have ever seen so much misinformation in a thread before until's actually quite funny. However there are quite a few in here that do know what they are talking about.

Electric_EyE said:
Pistons and rods are more likely to break under intense gas expansion or forced air induction like supercharging or turbocharging under lean conditions, that is NOT running at idle no matter how lean.

Well exactly you'd have to richen the air/fuel mixture when you were to drive the car. At idle you are getting 0mpg. When driving the car under load an air/fuel mixture of 60:1 is asking for detonation, detonation creates extremely high peak cylinder pressures and causes broken and melted parts. If you have any automotive tuning experience you would know that already.

Electric_EyE said:
I would like someone who has tried it before to educate us with their experience, not ridicule with conjecture.That is even more worthless than "crackpot" theories IMHO.

Pointing out lies and myths is not ridicule, if you cannot be faced with facts then you're in for a long ROUGH life...
At idle I am going to get 0 mpg. Well thank you for that one. I now feel like I am in some sort of comedy cook off here. Sorry, you win! I am in the wrong forum. I hope I didn't piss on your sorry little ego big company owner. Oh yeah, and orally taking anything is pretty dangerous, especially if it has hydrogen fluoride. But then what you take orally contains none of that, does it.
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What exactly is HHO? Is HHO also known as H2O? Or is it 2H2 + O2? Or is it an entirely new compound?
What exactly is HHO? Is HHO also known as H2O? Or is it 2H2 + O2? Or is it an entirely new compound?

HHO has become shorthand for a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the ration of 2:1 (i.e., stoichiometric).
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