Ice Detector Design

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I am looking at your old posts and wondering what final circuit you came up with? I have a similar need and could design something, but would have to go through all the testing etc that you have gone through. Are you willing to share?
The final circuit was fairly simple. LM34 sensor into a MC34072 with 5x gain (resistor network is 4:1 ratio as non-inverting gain is 1+R1/R2). LM393 set for 40degF/60DegF. The threshold voltage is set by pot through voltage follower using the other half of the MC34072. I will work up a schematic when I have a chance.

The LM34 is mounted to a piece of strip perf board (opposed to pad per hole), that is 0.4" wide and 0.8" long. I covered the connection is liquid electrical tape and coated the IC with thermal paste. I placed this assembly in a piece of 1/2" copper tubing with a cap soldered to one end and the other end is just slipped on. The slip-on end has a hole drilled in for the cable to pass through. As this is installed within the dehumidifier coil, I cannot get a picture of it anymore.
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