inverting pnp circuit

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New Member
can someone show me a schematic using a pnp transistor that inverts a logic signal? for example, high input = low output, and vice versa? thanks
batman said:
can someone show me a schematic using a pnp transistor that inverts a logic signal? for example, high input = low output, and vice versa? thanks

Exactly the same as an NPN one, just flip the entire circuit upside down.
you mean switch the positive an ground supplies, or just the transistor, or both?
is there a way to do it with an npn?
batman said:
you mean switch the positive an ground supplies, or just the transistor, or both?
is there a way to do it with an npn?

As you asked for PNP, I thought you knew about an NPN one!.

Here are simple examples of both, depending on the actual outputs feeding them you may need to add a resistor between the base and emitter of the transistors.


  • invert.gif
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