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Is There an Engineering Type: what is your experience?

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I see my colorblindness analogy has been picked to the bone by Engineering Types; I shouldn't have expected anything different ;).

My analogy was more to highlight the trouble in self discovery. It assumes that one has not been subjected to any tests specifically designed to ferret out colorblindness. If you had never been shown those test images , your only clues would be that sometimes you call something the wrong color, and over time you notice more and more that you're always wrong about the color. You have to accept that you really don't understand color or why other people DO. You have to accept that everyone else is getting more info than you are. And the most unsatisfying part of it is that you know that whatever it is you're missing, you'll never get to know exactly what it is; since color can't be shown to you, you can never truly understand what it is.

Same with emotion, memory, intelligence, etc.

Idiots are probably self aware in many cases. Life has proven to them repeatedly that their ideas are typically stupid, and other people consistently make better decisions and reach logical conclusions faster than them. But they could never really appreciate what they are missing since they never experienced it. They are probably self aware but blissfully ignorant.

There are tests for colorblindness, intelligence, probably some for memory, and maybe some for emotions (though I'm not aware of any that seem credible).

So how do you guys come to the conclusion that you have "good" memory or "bad" memory? Have you ever experienced anyone else's memory? Have you ever been tested? I haven't. My conclusion is really just a SWAG, based on my assumptions of how good memory should be based on what I've seen others ability to recollect. But that's a series of worse than apples to oranges comparisons.
You are so wrong!! I can assure you us idiots assume you are wrong, thats why we are idiots in the first place. If we thought we were in the wrong or stupid we wouldnt come out or go online would we! We might be idiots but we are not stupid, well we are but you know what I mean
Referring to earlier talk about memory:
I feel that my memory is pretty crappy. Especially for an engineering type. My short term memory especially. I'm scatterbrained;
Are you sure you are not dyslexic? This is a classic dyslexic trait. You can have lots of symptoms but good literacy - that's how it is with me.
Ok here we go...

(01) Some sleep problems, especially when a particular job is not going well: N, not now but I did have problems for many years until I taught myself to switch off
(02) Worrier: N. Life's too short
(03) Hay-fever and general allergies. Alopecia. Digestive problems: Y, I have a form of eczema
(04) Migraine: N
(05) Left handed: Y
(06) Dyslexic: Y but it has little effect on my literacy
(07) Difficult spelling: Y and N - I know how to spell things but write them wrong and immediately correct them. My handwriting tends to have lot of scribbles, crossing outs and over-writes in it. I'm a competent touch/audio typist and quite a good proof reader
(08) Uneasy punctuation and grammar: N to punctuation and Y to grammar, though to be honest I don't care
(09) Difficult second languages: N from what little experience I have. I pick up the basics easily but then never have anyone to speak them with so don't progress
(10) Pedantic or perhaps particular is a better word: Y. Exasperated by interpreting things differently to others
(11) Think that females are generally logical and that all males are logical: N. I do think male and female minds work differently though, just not in this way.
(12) Hoarder: Y
(13) Fond of animals, especially cats: Y
(14) Inquisitive: Y
(15) Industrious: Y
(16) Inventive: Y
(17) Independent: Y fiercely
(18) Self motivated: Y
(19) Good sense of humor: Y but not to everyone's taste.
(20) Have electronics bench/workshop at home: Y, cramped and messy
(21) Quiet and considered to be different: Y especially when I was a child, I was bullied because of it
(22) Limited emotion: N
(23) Strong willed: Y
(24) Imaginative: Y
(25) Illegible handwriting: Y
(26) Bitter about being overlooked/ falsely wronged by management: Not had this experience, so N/A
(27) Great satisfaction from creating something: Y
(28) Enjoy own company: Y - though I wouldn't phrase it like that, I'd say contented on my own.
Are you sure you are not dyslexic? This is a classic dyslexic trait. You can have lots of symptoms but good literacy - that's how it is with me.
No, I'm not sure. I never looked into it. I thought it was only to do with literacy. Since I never had any problem there, I never educated myself about it. But I will now. Thanks.
I answered no to number 11, I am starting to think the question is a typo?? I am stunned none of the engineer types have picked this up.

Women are illogical not logical. But the question i think has been worded wrong
Most people should have been tested before entering kindergarten. There are many on-line tests. Typically, a number of one color is placed in a circle of another color.

Apparently I'm mild deutan. Explains a lot. Pretty sure I have good days and bad days though.
Apparently I'm mild deutan. Explains a lot. Pretty sure I have good days and bad days though.
So you're just now discovering that you might be somewhat color blind. See what I mean here? Depending on the degree of a deficit in any given area, it is very hard for one to identify a deficit in themselves. In order to recognize a self deficit, you are left to compare with others using variables that you cannot even identify. "You don't know what you don't know" - except that you can tell that everyone else knows something that you don't. (OR not)
So you're just now discovering that you might be somewhat color blind. See what I mean here? Depending on the degree of a deficit in any given area, it is very hard for one to identify a deficit in themselves. In order to recognize a self deficit, you are left to compare with others using variables that you cannot even identify. "You don't know what you don't know" - except that you can tell that everyone else knows something that you don't. (OR not)

This line of discussion reminds me of the famous first week of 9th grade around here. The year that a bunch of home-schooled kids are in public school for the first time. Before this date, these kids were all protected by their parents. Playing carefully organized sports with other home-schooled kids and continually being told by their parents that they are the best. These kids join the general population and have no social skills and, as said above, they don't know what they don't know in this area. All the unwritten rules of grades K - 8 must be learned. They must also learn where they sit in the pecking order of athleticism, intellect, leadership, and many more. It is tough for these kids. Many become social recluses. Some get dragged to the front of the class by their mothers for special introductions - (some are embarrassed and some don't know they should be embarrassed). A crazy time. Similar fates for some kids from private schools but to a much lesser degree that home schooled kids. Anyhow, the stories from the non-home schooled kids about their new peers are funny and sad at the same time.
I answered no to number 11, I am starting to think the question is a typo?? I am stunned none of the engineer types have picked this up.

Women are illogical not logical. But the question i think has been worded wrong

I picked that up and fixed it in my response. I am pretty sure it is supposed to say "women are illogical".
Then I will change my answer Matt sorry for messing up the stats
(01) Some sleep problems, especially when a particular job is not going well. Y
(02) Worrier. N
(03) Hay-fever and general allergies. Alopecia. Digestive problems.N
(04) Migraine. N
(05) Left handed. BOTH
(06) Dyslexic. Y
(07) Difficult spelling. Y
(08) Uneasy punctuation and grammar. Y
(09) Difficult second languages. Y
(10) Pedantic or perhaps particular is a better word. N
(11) Think that females are generally illogical and that all males are logical. Y
(12) Hoarder. Y
(13) Fond of animals, especially cats. Like animals hate cats and cat people
(14) Inquisitive. Y
(15) Industrious. Y
(16) Inventive. Y
(17) Independent. Y
(18) Self motivated. Y
(19) Good sense of humor. Y
(20) Have electronics bench/workshop at home. My home is my bench
(21) Quiet and considered to be different. Just odd
(22) Limited emotion. N, I came with the emotion upgrade pack as my parents wernt cheap skates like many parents of those here :D
(23) Strong willed. Y
(24) Imaginative. Y
(25) Illegible handwriting. N
(26) Bitter about being overlooked/ falsely wronged by management. No, thats what petrol bombs are for
(27) Great satisfaction from creating something. Y
(28) Enjoy own company. Y

Edited the first one and reposted here so you can include it
Testing memory produced 313 million results at Google.

I'm sure there are various metrics out there.

If retention is the metric, one with total recall would be the upper strata on the bell curve ... At greater than + 3 deviations out from the average sending the six sigma crowd to the ten sigma metrics.
Testing memory produced 313 million results at Google.

I'm sure there are various metrics out there.

If retention is the metric, one with total recall would be the upper strata on the bell curve ... At greater than + 3 deviations out from the average sending the six sigma crowd to the ten sigma metrics.



All the Alzheimer's research and and similar companies playing on the concept that, "if you don't use it, you lose it". The is a company sponsoring NPR news (I CANNOT REMEMBER THE NAME, HA!) that offers a subscription service and daily challenges and monthly progress test. There is absolutely tests that test short term memory. Even a 3rd grader's spelling test does that.
Somewhere on my dads old hard drive is alot of papers on memory and brain stages of growth etc, I will have a dig through when I am bored and post some. The theory on doing brain games to improve memory isnt actually to do with memory centers as such, from what I read its about forming new nural pathways to other areas of the brain and this makes them more active and takes some the load off other areas, its something to do with compensation mechanisms but I need to read up on it again.
Ok, so there are tests for memory. I suspected there were. I was thinking about testing long term memory; that would take a much more involved test. Subjects would have to be introduced as toddlers, and monitored until adulthood.

Anyway, my theme in this thread has been about "emotional colorblindness." I suspect my memory isn't the greatest, but at this point in my life, I couldn't care less about my memory. I am however interested in emotions. Is it possible to quantify emotional response? I suppose physical stress (heart rate, perspiration, neural activity) could be monitored while showing the test subject romance films followed by ASPCA commercials and starving African children. Where would one go to get this sort of test done? A University ? A psychiatrist? What if the results of such a volutary test show that you're most likely an unrealized serial killer? Will you be automatically placed on FBINSADHSATF watch lists or what?
I thought at first it should say "illogical" in number 11 too, but then I thought, no, it says "generally logical", which would be logical in a general way, as opposed to "logical", which would mean logical all the time.

Colour vision - I always found it fails at distance, but I've always "passed" colour sight tests in the past. What I find strange this time around is that in some of them I can identify that there's a shape there in a different colour, I just can't work out what it is. I wonder if I looked at the same figures printed on paper I would be able to identify them? Also, now I come to think of it, I used to be very slightly short sighted, now I am a little long sighted. Maybe now my colour vision will work better at distance as it fails close up. I can't read resistors without a magnifying glass anymore. Very sad, that.
There was a thing years ago when "emotional intelligence" tests were being talked about on the 'net. I never looked into it, but maybe it's relevant.
You guys will be slapped silly by any statistician who deals with human behavior or sociology. You can't write the questions AND take the survey then expect the results to be meaningful.

You are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy situation.

You would be better off if each of you writes out how you want the "engineering type" to be defined. Then argue about it until you get a reasonable majority. The results will not differ from what you are doing now.
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