LED 5 blinks and then a continuous light.

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Der Strom's circuit can be simplified. The transistor is not necessary.

I have to go out now, so I'll post my suggestion later.
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There are several problems with the circuit.

1. There is no "switch on reset".

2. The LED will only flash 4 times not 5.

3. The transistor is unnecessary, I would have used the Enable input to stop the count at 8.

I will now elaborate on these points:-

The 4O17 is a 5 stage Johnson counter, configured to operate as a Modulo 10 counter.

Having 5 stages, means that it has 2^5 = 32 possible states.

When a power is first applied, it will start in one of these states at random.

Therefore it needs some way to reset the counter to zero when the power is applied.

This is usually called a "switch on reset" circuit.

The LED will flash at states as 0, 2, 4 and 6.

The counter is prevented from counting beyond 8 so the LED will be on continuously (as intended).

It would be easier to use a 4 stage binary counter.

See the attachment.

The "switch on reset" circuit provides a brief pulse to reset the counter when power is applied.

The LED will flash at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.

When it reaches 10, the Enable input goes low so the counting is stopped thus the LED is on permanently.


  • Brake flasher.jpg
    202.7 KB · Views: 353
Thanks for your answer Len. Although i have already finished another design just yesterday as seen below. Sorry for the late answer.


  • dsc00056tz.png
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OK, as per question you can take out put across 1 3 5 7 9 in sequence ....with help of OR Gate (just using few diodes) and than connect 10 output of 4017 to its enable pin.
the freq can be set by 555 chip to input clock of counter 4017 and 12V from braking can be given by light of your car.

Is that fine???
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