Present setup
Here is a simplistic schematic I am using. I am only enabling one LED per colum (cathode) but multiple LEDs per row up to 5 (5 colums)
The matrix has 7 ROWS(anodes) and 5 COLUMS)
I did some experimenting this morning before heading off to church.
Using a 5v (4.15 measured) and an NPN transistor ( tried a PNP as well) and only get 3ma without a resistor.
Inserted a 120 ohm resistor and used an 8.48v (measured)battery pak I get 30ma.
Lit up two LEDs in same ROW but different colums (1 red and 1 green) and measured 58ma aprox.
conclusion only one LED per colum which I had planed from the start but up to 5 LEDs per row.
BUT I need to use more than 5v. Problem now is I get the 7v on the base of the transistor. Switching a voltage higher that the Vcc of the controlling source using a BJE transistor is not the way to go.
I understand how a matrix works and all that Jon posted.
Jon I bet the whole problem is he has resistors on the columns not the rolls
By putting the resistor on the colum and only enabling one LED per colum seems to work fine.
Using a driver that was suggested TD62783APG (opposite of the ULN2803) will hopefully solve the problem of the usage of a transistor.
Once I get this configuration working I hopefully can integrate the Constant Current Sink concept. Jon asked how will it help? see data sheet snippet I posted. I maybe wrong in using this but I won't know until I try.
Hopefully I cleared up any misunderstandings