LED Sign Board 30X7 - PIC16F628A

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Hi Gayan,
Where did you purchase those leds from? Do you have a part number or something for it? Or even a link to a website?
I have interest in building LED Sign Board that is scrolling led display(Like the one you posted 9th July 2008), has a project kindly help me with materials to use and how I can go about it. What I want the Sign board to display the Message "WELCOME TO SCHOOL + arrow". Gayan, I will very happy if you can assist. Awaiting your replay, Thanks.

If you have experience with PICs I can give a hex file with a message "WELCOME TO SCHOOL + arrow"
can you provide us some schematics...i'm interrested about how to made a signboard...thanks
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i need help

is there anyone who can help me with my project? it's actually a 30x7 LED array display. and im using discrete LED's. and im just using a microcontroller which has 16 outputs only... what IC will i use in order to drive or to aid my array display???
Gayan Soyza, can you post a schematic and hex or asm file for pic16f628 please please pretty please. Or tell me where i can find a scrolling LED tutorial useing a 16f628 and .asm
To the two of you above: this thread is over a year old and the first thing he said was he cannot disclose how he did it.

(Above) Mike gave a good description of how it can be done. What needs to be explained further?
Hi Mike, Thanks for pointing that out. I read it through from start to finish and only noticed the date from the last reply. I realise he cant give to much info on the sign he made. I thought maybe a wiring diagram and basic code so that i could understand it better. I searched the internet a few months ago but only found projects wit AVR or in C . Im struggling with PICs and ASM. and dont want to switch over to anything else before mastering PICs.
"Mike did you manage to sort out the keypad code."
I am curious as why he did not drive 7 rows with the pic16f628a (7 outputs) and use 3 4017 chips as column drivers. (7x30)
All 4017 chips can use a common clock, and have individual resets to drive them and in sequence. (1 ck + 3 resets = 4 outputs of PIC)
Now you have used 11 outputs of PIC. Putting aside RA4 and RA5, you still have 3 more outputs that can drive 3 more resets of 3 more 4017. Turning this baby into a 7x60!

I welcome any insights.
I'm a manufacture of signboards.There is a very competitive market over here.That's why I cannot give the full details & techniques I used.Sorry for that.

It doesn't matter how you driving the displays.It can be used shift registers,johnson counters etc.......Finally all you need is to smoothen the display.

Another one did recently.......it uses latch shift registers.

YouTube - Signboard - Train.mov


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This guy explains a lot on ho to program a pic and use a Johnson counter . Has some interesting stuff on his site.
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