MCU to transmit video from rc plane

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I want to use a webcam in my rc plane which should transmit real-time video (128x128pixl), so that I can see it in my pc and control the plane.

I need to know which MCU I should use?
can it be done with AVR mcu, or I've to use ARM

can anyone pls suggest me few(I will buy available one in local stores) MCU# for this purpose

can 433MHz Rx-Tx is enough for this or should I use 2.4GHz

I don't have much knowledge about this
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You should first try to find a suitable camera and then think about how to transfer all the data. If you already have a camera module then post the specs.

EDIT: A standard webcam on embedded system is difficult. You'll need a processor with USB host + drivers etc. Very difficult for a beginner hobbyist.
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