Wow, i am a curious teenager who tried the exact same thing with a microwave and cup of water etc. My parents keep throwin my stuff out but im getting my liscense in a few months and will go drive and get new ones. My family is involved in some tech stuff and i know some people but my grandfather works at NJIT as an electrical engineer and a retired rocket scientist from bell labs, the place where the solid state maser was invented. He has taken me to his labs a few times and met his colleagues down the hall in the electromagnetics lab etc stuff where they have about every technological light, maser, fiberoptic, magnetic neodymeum electron etc thing known to man stockpiled in huge rooms. I am looking for an interface from a magnetron (2.6 GHz) to direct the field through a matched* wire to the waveguide. i am looking for a good solid state waveguide but they have so many in njit, i wish to use a long whachamacallit waveguide with a teflon aligner at the end. The key, though is that for efficiency, the wave must match, if yo dont guide the wave correctly, then all you will do is give someone cancer or burn them and not actually smoke em'. The problem with these electrical engineers is that they are all about safety and dont like the idea of economical weaponry and development for industrial purposes. I am all about danger, haste, production and most of all: COLD HARD CASH , being i have the funding by my ownership of a highly successful online business. If you got the brains, i will pay for the stuff but its preety cheap. We can all make alot of money on this but there is alot that the Homeland Security Dept. doesnt want you to know. Not that security is a bad thing, we gotta get this done. There are very few of us so we gotta get on the same page. Lets make a team and continue to forum post. I have made a schematic and will post soon. I am also working on several other cool projects you might be interested in. I might be able to get you some eager contacts at njit and wyeth and more + the formation of a team really accellerates the process of development.
Contact me at 732-674-4426 in late june to july as my cell broke and it may take me time to fix. For now, call me weekdays after 4 pm at 973-376-7906 or 973 376 4752 and on weekends, anytime, call me at 732-928-5266. And of course you can always send me email at " " << remember, no e at the end (Ski-wheel-r)
When calling, ask for Mark.
If you are working on any related projects from motorcycles to programming, tell me because im probably already trying something and we could make best use of it due to the lack of online support. I know this has been alot to read, just call.
Oh, and for the dude in PA, im in Millburn NJ during weeks and Jackson nj during weekends and i kno some guys in pa that do similar stuff like personal submarine building over around PA and the rest of the eastern seaboard.
Need Collaboration.