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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Moving from mikroBasic to OshonSoft Basic

A/D coversion and the entire code simulation is ok, except when values for AN0 are set small.
Then the LCD does not show "Input is too low".
P.S.: The logarythmic signal detector (ahaed of the MCU circuit) output is ca. 0.45 VDC (broadband noise signal) without any input signal applied. In this case I want to display the above message.

Lcdcmdout LcdClear
ADC_Read 0, ADCRead 'Result of A/D conversion from AN0
ADCResult = ADCRead*5/1024
Lcd_Out(1,1, "ADC OUT = " + #ADCResult +" V")
If ADCResult<0.5 Then
Lcd_Out(2,1, "Input is too low")

dBmResult = (ADCResult-ZEROXING)*SLOPE
Lcd_Out(2,1, "PWR = " + #dBmResult + " dBm")
WaitMs 500
Goto again 'Make a new A/D conversion

Goto main
Well, I have tested the program in more detail and it seems that in these new versions of the compiler ADC_Read configures the pin as analog and as input. I thought that the problem was that the pin was not output as analog in the simulator. Anyway, if you wanted to do this, it does work.

I didn't see this configure the AN0 pin: Sub GlobInit.



  • V_dBm_Meter (1).bas
    3.2 KB · Views: 29
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My project works (simulation and hardware), mission accomplished.
Thank you all who contributed with advice, and help.
I have learnt a lot and will continue exploring OshonBasic.
Best regards,
I want to eliminate the 0.01 dBm variation on the LCD display that happens for a constant input RF signal level to the ADC of the circuit. The ADC conversion slope is 19.61 dBm/Volt.
Therefore 0.1 dBm level change is caused by 0.1 dBm/(19.61 dBm/V) = 5.1 mV change in the analog input voltage.
My goal is to keep the display value unchaged for 2*5.1 mV = 10.2 mV, i.e. <= 2 bit change in ADC output.
Please find attached the source code. Would the error message mean that the syntax "abs" is not known in OshonBasic? Any cure for that?


  • V_dBm_Meter v3.bas
    3.3 KB · Views: 12
The only way to "eleminate" this tiny variation is to over sample.

If you are running at 5V a bit change is 4.88Mv. Then you need to decide how to get the best information to screen.. You set your decimal places to two.

I do not use floating point numbers on small devices as I know how they work and its not how you think.

lets take your calculation 2.5V should be 512 bits.. 512 * 5 = 2560 / 1024 = 2.5v BUT!!!!! ADCRead is an interger only the result is floating so it may need casting.. Vlad does allow casting

adcread = adcin(0) * 5 'integer multiply
adcresult = adcread ' basic cast to float
adcresult = adcresult / 1024 ' now it works..

But!! you want MORE precision

do this
for idx = 0 to 10
adcresult = adcresult + adcin(0)
' you can place a tiny delay here to slug readings
next idx
adcresult * 5 / 10240 ' gives 2.5V

You can play around ie read adc 5 times then times by 100 then / 10240

The point is the output will be more stable.
Dim ADCRead_New As Word 'Integer/Longint 'ADC output
Dim ADCRead As Word 'Integer/Longint
They are declared as unsigned integers. Since they are declared as unsigned integers the result will always be another unwanted unsigned number.
You have two options either you declare them signed or you have to apply a temporary conversion type to the variables.
If ABS(CInteger ADCRead_New - CInteger ADCRead) < 2 Then ADCRead_New = ADCRead 'type conversion.

' *******************************************************************************
' Math.bas
' Name: ABS
' Description: Calculates and returns the absolute value of a given number.
' In: Signed data
' Out: Longint
' Version: 1.0

Function ABS(numBer As LongInt) As LongInt

'If the number is negative, change its sign
If numBer < 0 Then
ReturnValue -numBer ' Returns the opposite of numBer
ReturnValue numBer ' Returns the number unchanged if it is not negative

End Function
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Sorry, I meant to say "I want to eliminate the 0.1 dBm variation" in my previous message.
As I said... ANY output variance can be eliminated by over sampling.

Oversamling relies on noise to correct the reading.. As I said take 2.5v should yield 512 bits
as a bit is 4.88mV it shouldn't affect the voltage to 2 decimals as 513 2.505V or 510 2.495V . But

read in 4 readings 513, 511,512,510.. then and add together = 2046 then back to 10 bits 511 but much more stable.

I oversample my ADC 24 times then / 6 thus I have a pretty decent 12bit result..
Ian Rogers wrote:
"read in 4 readings 513, 511,512,510.. then and add together = 2046 then back to 10 bits 511"
Isn't 511 = %111111111, i.e. 9 bits?
Hi Nigel and baz... Up the 10 bit adc by over sampling to nearly 12 bits, then divide by down to 10 bits.
I was using half scale as the example.

When I over sample I keep the ADC result at 24 bits.. Then do any mapping to get the best result possible.
As everyone else does...
This may be easier for you to implement:
Const NOISE_ADC = 10 'Noise level expressed in ADC points.
ADC_Read 0, ADCRead

Gosub GlobInit
Lcdcmdout LcdClear
WaitMs 100
Lcd_Out(1,1,"RF-Power Meter")
Lcd_Out(2,1,"Hardware Rev.4")
WaitMs 500
Lcdcmdout LcdClear

ADC_Read 0, ADCRead_New 'Result of A/D conversion from AN0
Call Error_ADC(ADCRead, ADCRead_New)
Proc Error_ADC(radc As Word, ByRef radc_new As Word)

Dim error As Integer
error = radc - radc_new
If error < 0 Then error = -error
If error < NOISE_ADC Then radc_new = radc ' Discard the last adc reading.

End Proc

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