At 4000 rpm the stator delivers 60v @ 10A ac. This converted to dc gives around 660 watts. The regulator uses a shunt to regulate the charge to the battery and at the same time manages the charge to the battery to make sure it does not overcharge, so when the battery is charged most of the energy is transferred to heat in the regulator. The regulator also only runs at around 35% efficiency. As the rpm goes up so does the ac voltage and amperage to more than 1000w this is why we are basing our design on an average of 600w. The device we are powering uses bursts of current 15v @ +-60 amps for approx 15 min at a time with intervals of 10 min. The battery cannot sustain this. We have an option to manage the gates on mosfets via microcontroller but wanted to see if there was a solution using only components. Can you guys help?