PIC basic Morse decoder

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happy to know.. now you got to add the other codes i.e B,C,D etc..

Yes, I tried to do that, but I find it difficult. Could you annotate the variables a bit please?

Also, later, I need to add some sort of keyboard to the circuit. I hope to experiment with 4X analogue pins on the pic 'RA0 to Ra3'
happy to know.. now you got to add the other codes i.e B,C,D etc..

Late reply no problem. I've been working on more outdoor stuff over the summer, but now the weather has turned, I will be going back to this project. Keep watching (Please)

Cheers, Camerart.

The time has come to get this circuit working!

I've got nearly all of the bits, and as well as designing the circuit, I have to re-read the comments on this thread.

Just checking there is still interest?

Cheers, Camerart.

I have entered the components into Kikad, now to place them on the circuit board, thanks to IK3OIL. I was reading that some components should not be in close proximity to others. Are there any suggestions please? I tried and failed to be able to upload a schematic, but there is a PIC chip, NE567 decoder, and a 4093 NAND gate.

Cheers, Camerart.
A schematic will be really helpful. Have you tried a print screen or snippet (Win7) in .png? How does the NE567 come into play? Are you using different tones?

A schematic will be really helpful. Have you tried a print screen or snippet (Win7) in .png? How does the NE567 come into play? Are you using different tones?


The circuit detectsthe morse tones, then measures the spaces to be eble to decode it. 'MAGVITRON' re-wrote the code to help me use a different PIC chip than the one in the diagram.

Cheers, Camerart.


  • Circuit and components.jpg
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