Yes Chris, this common characteristic in all magnetic electro-mechanical devices is called Hysteresis and Relays always spec guaranteed levels like
Must Operate threshold, (max) 75% rated voltage
Must Release Voltage (min) 10% rated voltage
But they don't spec may turn off, may turn on.
Only the best Relay companies for quality like OMRON will define this in their test reports,.
As a designer, you must consider Brown Outs, Vibration chatter and other factors and decide what margin you need and Environmental specs you need to test the design .
-10% is safe, -25% is possible, -50% will compromise immunity to vibration and make it faster to open from a brown out , however you define that.,
So it is up to your environmental requirements. to choose the guaranteed HOLD voltage for a given Voltage range and Brownout spec and during operational vibration.
Can you specify this?
Find the link for technical information on this page.
**broken link removed**
Nobody makes better Relays than OMRON in the same price range.