Mike - K8LH
Well-Known Member
I just finished restructuring A12-Fix3Color.asm so that it made more sense (to me) and son-of-a-gun if it doesn't resemble your flowchart (lol)...
This is a pretty novel approach that deserves closer study. Darn it... You're distracting me from a couple other projects I really should be working on (a CDP1802 single board computer and a microcontroller based German Enigma machine)...
Cheerful regards, Mike
insert "radix dec" at the top of program and fix the delay/repeat value (0..255).
This is a pretty novel approach that deserves closer study. Darn it... You're distracting me from a couple other projects I really should be working on (a CDP1802 single board computer and a microcontroller based German Enigma machine)...
Cheerful regards, Mike
list p=16F628A, st=off
#include <p16F628A.inc>
errorlevel -302,-311,-202
cblock 0x20
Color1 ;
Color2 ;
Color3 ;
speed ;
#define bank0 bcf STATUS,RP0
#define bank1 bsf STATUS,RP0
rainbow macro c1,c2,c3 ; three 4-bit color values
movlw c1<<4 ; |00
movwf Color1 ; |00
movlw c2<<4 ; |00
movwf Color2 ; |00
movlw c3<<4 ; |00
movwf Color3 ; |00
call frame1 ; |00
display macro color,pattern
movf color,W ; color bits in b7..b4 |00
addlw pattern/256 ; add column b11..b8 bits |00
movwf PORTA ; |00
movlw pattern%256 ; the column b7..b0 bits |00
movwf PORTB ; |00
; main init (reset vector) *
org 0x000
clrf STATUS ; bank 0 |00
movlw b'00000111' ; Set all ports as outputs |00
movwf CMCON ; Disable comparators |00
bank1 ; |01
clrf TRISA ; |01
clrf TRISB ; |01
bank0 ; |00
; main loop *
call MegaColor ; ???? |00
goto Sequence ; |00
; each animation has 24 frames over 12 chan RGB for total of 24
; color bit resolution (producing vivid colors). refresh rate
; of 500 cycles to prevent flickering.
rainbow b'0001',b'0100',b'1000'
rainbow b'0001',b'0100',b'1000'
rainbow b'0001',b'0100',b'1000'
rainbow b'0001',b'1101',b'1001'
rainbow b'0101',b'0001',b'0101'
rainbow b'0001',b'0101',b'0001'
rainbow b'0001',b'0101',b'1001'
rainbow b'0001',b'0101',b'0100'
rainbow b'0001',b'0100',b'1000'
rainbow b'1001',b'1101',b'0100'
rainbow b'1000',b'1101',b'0001'
rainbow b'0001',b'1101',b'0100'
rainbow b'0100',b'1101',b'1000'
return ; |00
movlw 500 ; <-- this ain't gonna work... oops!
movwf speed ; |00
display Color1,b'111000001111'
display Color1,b'110000000111'
display Color1,b'100000000011'
display Color1,b'000000000001'
display Color3,b'000011111110'
display Color3,b'000001111100'
display Color3,b'000000111000'
display Color3,b'000000010000'
display Color2,b'111111100000'
display Color2,b'011111000000'
display Color2,b'001110000000'
display Color2,b'000100000000'
decfsz speed,F ; done? yes, skip, else |00
goto frloop ; branch (repeat frame) |00
insert "radix dec" at the top of program and fix the delay/repeat value (0..255).
list p=16F628A, st=off
#include <p16F628A.inc>
errorlevel -302,-311,-202
radix dec
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