About three years ago, the nephews got their first pet, a hamster named Nugget. Curiosity about Nugget's exercise routine started a project that has long out lasted Nugget (RIP). This Instructable outlines a functional exercise wheel optical tachometer. The Hamster Wheel Tachometer (HWT) displays the hamster's highest speed (RPM) and the total number of revolutions.
About three years ago, the nephews got their first pet, a hamster named Nugget. Curiosity about Nugget's exercise routine started a project that has long out lasted Nugget (RIP). This Instructable outlines a functional exercise wheel optical tachometer. The Hamster Wheel Tachometer (HWT) displays the hamster's highest speed (RPM) and the total number of revolutions.
Bought a map of the world and a set of darts.
Pinned the map on the kitchen wall and said to the wife "Wherever you hit, we go on vacation, 1 week per dart."
Apparently, we are spending 1 week behind the fridge, 1 week in the dog's water bowl, and 1 week in the folding chairs that were supposed to go in the shed 3 months ago.....
and the French invented the metric system.... but then again they also invented the type of warfare where everybody dresses in brightly colored uniforms, and lines up in rows facing each other 50 yards apart, and blasts away at each other with muskets....
and the French invented the metric system.... but then again they also invented the type of warfare where everybody dresses in brightly colored uniforms, and lines up in rows facing each other 50 yards apart, and blasts away at each other with muskets....