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Potato batteries.

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They probably are not lead pipes, lead is to soft to be used as a pipe material

Lead has been used for pipes for FAR longer than any other metal, it's perfectly acceptable for pipes, and probably the best low technology material for pipes.

the pipes are probably galvanized steel, is that what you meant? Now it's possible that it has lead joints since many old houses have them; but nowadays it is illegal to use lead in any domestic piping system.

Lead pipes haven't been used for many years, but there are still plenty of them in use - I still have lead gas pipes in my house. All water pipes in the house are copper, but I wouldn't be surprised if the incoming underground supply isn't still in lead?.
Lead has been used for pipes for FAR longer than any other metal, it's perfectly acceptable for pipes, and probably the best low technology material for pipes.

Lead pipes haven't been used for many years, but there are still plenty of them in use - I still have lead gas pipes in my house. All water pipes in the house are copper, but I wouldn't be surprised if the incoming underground supply isn't still in lead?.

Wow I had no idea, I just did some reading and most of the Water mains up by new york are still in lead mains and it says it contributes to 20% of lead poising cases hmmm. So it wouldn't surprise me either that your mains are in lead pipe too. Mine are all plastic(gas water mains) except after the meter my gas line is run in black iron. I'll have to talk to my teacher and ask him if he's ever encountered lead pipes before. I'm a pipe-fitter apprentice.
Wow I had no idea, I just did some reading and most of the Water mains up by new york are still in lead mains and it says it contributes to 20% of lead poising cases hmmm. So it wouldn't surprise me either that your mains are in lead pipe too. Mine are all plastic(gas water mains) except after the meter my gas line is run in black iron. I'll have to talk to my teacher and ask him if he's ever encountered lead pipes before. I'm a pipe-fitter apprentice.

Ask him about 'mole skin', used for 'wiping' joints in lead pipe.

I presume you are aware that even the name 'plumber' refers to lead piping?, comes from 'plumbum' (not sure of the spelling), the latin name for lead, and why the chemical symbol is Pb.
I have a buddy that owns a big scrap salvage yard. I know he gets tones of lead based pipe from local city projects every summer when they dig up the streets to do utilities up grades. Its not solid lead but still very high content. He gets asked politely by every city project manager to be quiet about the high lead content part of the piping they are hauling away!

You wouldnt want your city to go bankrupt paying millions to every family that has a ADD or HAADD kid. Or a screaching monkey boy or simple goof in their family. Or had one in the last 80 years, would you?
Think of the tax hikes both from trying to raise opperating money to pay for all the lawsuites and the property tax increases due to all those new millionare families putting up bigger homes!
what if you used live potatoes to trickle charge a few batteries? you might be able to continuously charge some aa's and if you use non toxic metals you might be able to eat them! i wonder if you keep them allive and in the ground if they they would compensate for the chemical reaction and generate more of the chemicals needed.self charging :p
bio batteries! hmmm...
You wouldnt want your city to go bankrupt paying millions to every family that has a ADD or HAADD kid. Or a screaching monkey boy or simple goof in their family. Or had one in the last 80 years, would you?

Is there any proven connection between lead pipes and ADD etc? - as far as I know there isn't, and it's one of the most mis-diagnosed syndroms there is anyway, most such kids are just the result of poor parenting. Can't cope with the kid, he/she's running wild because we haven't bought him/her up properly, let's dope him/her out of their head so they don't disturb us!.
:rolleyes: You are definitely not from america! If you were you would automaticaly know that actual cause and actual effect have nothing to do with bad parenting!
Find something comletely unproveble and unrelated, get a good enough lawer and your set for life.
You think our national debt, social, national health, enviromental, and government problems came from rational cause and effect reseach being implemented any where along the way? :rolleyes:

yea I know what you are saying. lead does cause nurological and mental disorders but what I pointed to was just american humor taken the wrong way! FYI I do have a simple cousin, Still love her though!

When I went to school we did not have anything like ADD or HAADD. We had get your ass beat enough and the attention problem will eventualy disapear.
Or mine did anyway!
But get me a good enough lawyer and I will find a way to hurt myself with a potato battery or a few thousand of them and find someone to sue over my own stupidity! :D
Is there any proven connection between lead pipes and ADD etc?

Is there any proven ADD?

Ugh, I have to agree with tcmtech on this one. It's a load of hooey. Hyperactivity, attention deficit, chronic fatigue syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, etc. We have a bunch of fake illnesses in this country that people blame instead of bad parenting, laziness, being a jerk and whatever they need an excuse for. Quack doctors make money off of it. Whole thing's a scam.
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Both of my parents are school teachers. My mom works with the special needs kids(you know the ones that need an ass beating followed by both their parents getting an ass beating) 1 in maybe 50 she deals with have true physical or mental disorder based problems. :eek: My Dad runs an elemetary school he sees a very similar ratio to. 1 in 50 are truely in need of some assistance medical or other wise. The other 49? well, see sentence one! :D

My cousin (Adopted) is an example of that 1 in 50. She is slower and simpler but actualy was never an intentional trouble maker. She just got delt a bad genetic hand from her true parents. Her mind develops at about half the speed of a normal person thats all. ;)

Potato Battery. :D I Just threw that in to keep this post almost related to the actual thread! :D
I agree. That's what ticks me off. There are people with real physical or mental disorders, and this nonsense just trivializes it.

Uh... potato battery.
I may have to retract my stand on ADD being made up. How many posts from potato battery to messed up kids with fake syndromes!

Still snuck potato battery into this post, twice! :D
Could you use a potato battery to power a potato chip? I would try it and see, but I don't have a compiler for a food processor.
Are low fat potato chips RoHS compliant?
How about when I am using an organicaly grown potato for my battery?
That should meet RoHS compliance rules.

Split potato and battery this time but still got them in here, twice again!

How many more posts until a moderator jumps in and says we are just playing and not actualy helping on this thread anymore?
Dunno. I like that one guy's idea for fermenting the potato and getting the energy out of the alchohol. You would probably get ten times the energy from that than a crummy electrochemical reaction. Copper and other metals can kill microorganisms, it doesn't seem certain that you could use it as a battery first and then expect the yeast to do anything except die in a mash polluted with metals.
Dunno. I like that one guy's idea for fermenting the potato and getting the energy out of the alchohol. You would probably get ten times the energy from that than a crummy electrochemical reaction. Copper and other metals can kill microorganisms, it doesn't seem certain that you could use it as a battery first and then expect the yeast to do anything except die in a mash polluted with metals.

I like the idea of just eating the potato and then operating a hand cranked battery charging circuit. This would be a reasonably efficient capture of the stored energy. Although, maybe it would be more fun to make the alcohol, drink it, and then turn the crank, even if it's a little less efficient.
Killivolt power.

I wondering if you could get more output from a yam :p

Jab a anode and cathode in me I would make a good Ham Battery.

I would need some smoothing though.

Ok, a filter or two.

Potato batteries ?

kv :D
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Los Angeles schools just shut off most of their drinking fountains because some of them have too much lead in the water after sitting over the weekends. Nobody cares how the students are going to get enough water to stay healthy.
I would love to know what the amount of lead found was vs students exposures to it. If I'm not mistaken California has some draconian water laws. This stuff gets worse and worse as time goes by.
On page 19a they get into the facts: Actually shutting off some drinking fountains and/or faucets in most schools, and the total number of fountains to be shut off turns out to be 2%.
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